This is a map of places I’ve been in North America.
Green states are places where I have at least spent the night. Orange are
places I’ve been, but only passing through.
Some of the passing through places I’ve been a lot. Like Delaware. I’ve
probably driven through Delaware 50 or more times. But, never done more
than stop for gas. Similar thing for North Carolina. At least two dozen
times I’ve driven through, as well as changed planes more times than I can
remember. But, never spent a night.
Then there are places like Nevada and Colorado where all I’ve done is
change planes. Or Oklahoma where I drove across the border from Kansas
just to say I’d been there. Or, the day I spent in Juarez Mexico
inspecting a factory. I went back across to El Paso for the night so I
didn’t have to sleep in one of the murder capitols of the region. (I’m
funny that way…)
Off North America there isn’t much. Two trips to Ireland. Two trips to
China. One afternoon changing planes in Japan, but I never left the
Some day it would be nice to go to those other places on the map.