Waiting for the novocain to wear off in my mouth, I decided to head up to the center of town to search for more Pokemon.
As it was after 7 and night and still more than 90F/32C I cheated and drove the 2 miles/3km to the center of town. Lots of folks walking around looking for them.
I found the two "Pokegyms" at the center of town were guarded by Pokemon of more than 2000 power. Both the congregational church and the grave yard behind it. My best is 900. No chance.
But, the Lutheran church another 1/4 mile down the road?
Only guarded by a 350.
So, I drove over and found I could just reach range in the front corner of their parking lot.
I took it out, and placed a similar powered one in its place.
As I drove out of the parking lot, someone else drove in. So, I may not hold it long…