More teeth troubles

Jul 27, 2016 21:15

Last week the dentist looked at my teeth and said it wasn’t one of the teeth I broke falling down drunk in 1983 after all. It was the tooth behind one of them, that had a filling that went bad.

As a short aside, I LOVE my dentists digital X-Ray machine. He takes the photo, puts in on his computer screen immediately and can show you the problem! It’s much faster and better than before!

Today I had to come back to get the bad filling removed and prep for a crown.
But, it turned out I need a root canal.

He did the drilling of the nerve right then.
"I can fill it in now and continue, or wait," he said. "Most people who do it all at once report major pain."
"It’s been hurting for more than a week now," I said. "Let’s not give it more."

So, I got a temp filling on it and go back next week (when the god kids will be here…) to get more crown work done.

It’s 4 hours later and I’m starting to get the sensation in my mouth back. He has to give me a lot of pain killed. I am chemically resistant to it, and I guess my nerves hide very close to the jaw. One dentist told me they actually have little channels in the bone they run in.
I guess that’s great for protection from never damage.
But, it makes shutting them off quite hard.

It took him two tries to get it, so a lot of numb in my mouth…

It has stopped hurting. That’s good.
Yesterday it switched from outright pain to feeling strange. Like something was sucking the filling out of the tooth. Not pain, but not good either.
I’m glad that part of it is over.
Next week, more drilling…

pain, dentist

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