It's you know who's birthday, did ya know?

Jul 31, 2007 23:41

Oy vey. Tomorrow my internship program’s hosting a reception in honor of its summer 2007 interns and their employers. I’ve dutifully forwarded the invite to my supervisors and one can attend, though she’s not the one I’ve worked closest with all summer. (I report to different attorneys at times.) The lady who’s going instead is actually very warm and approachable, and I’ve gotten to speak with her beforehand, but the thought of socializing-sorry, “networking”-is making me feel disheartened. Already. Do I shadow her like a terrier for the evening? Introduce her? And to whom-all I know are the other interns. Augh, what do you do at these events besides use the hor d’ouevres table as a shield? (I never realized I didn’t know how to spell that until now, funny.) Any recommendations for easy conversation starters?

On the opposite end of worrying about networking events, I have random, fun pics of my parents' God-daughters and Godsons playing on the beach. Who knew there was a time when waves could be so thrilling?

Scavenging for their sand castle

Not venturing too far

Tireless in his efforts to build a castle

internship, family, summer 2007, photography

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