Make A Wish and Make it Come true...

May 07, 2012 21:34

I did this during this year chinese new year with my sister when the family gathered back in JB since its a long break. We just did it for the fun of it with my cousin and her friend. The belief was to make a wish and then let it float to sky or to heaven where your wish comes true..

I did that closed my eyes and make a wish that this year: My wish was simple.. it comes in three part - meet someone unexpectedly, have a good connection with the person and hopefully just hopefully something good will come out of it..

I din really think much about it.. and somehow something happen without me realizing it. Someone unexpectedly that i got to know. Innocently din think much about it.. Had an open mind and just go ahead with it, met up had dinner and subsequently becomes a weekly meeting once a week..

What has transpired innocently with no agenda becomes something more permanent.. something that makes me smile a lot and most importantly makes me feel safe, secure and overall feel good feeling.. something that i have always wanted..

To you: Thank you for accidentally thought you got caught red handed looking at me.. Thank you for incessantly getting to know me and thank you for daring to come and offer me a drink.. Thank you for the time spent with me.. times where u make me smile to myself during different part of the day.. being there for me.. offering yourself whenever i needed someone.. accepting me fully as i am..

As much as i am elated of the turn of events for you and me.. i always have this nudging fear.. its sums up in what Drew Barrymore says in "Never Been Kissed"

"And for one moment you get this amazing gift,... you wanna laugh,and you wanna cry... ´Cause you feel so lucky that you found it... and so scared that it´ll go away all at the same time."

emotions, love, touching moment

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