
Mar 11, 2008 16:28

I just logged on to check responses and all that having been away for a few days and have noted at least one new response written anonymously, of course, by someone slating my religion and pointing me towards a site which denigrates it.
After deleting it (and any others if you bother doing it again btw) I just have to ask why?

There are hundreds of things i don't agree with but I don't go around bombarding people with sites proclaiming their subversive evilness.

I'll state for the record that I am a Jehovah's Witness and I am proud to be one.

I don't mention it a lot in my journal because this section of my life is to do with my writing, not my personal life and I do not appreciate attacks on me/my blog because of it.

Yes I will knock on your door but if you don't want to speak to me that's your lookout, I won't argue the point or berate you for it. I believe it, you don't have to.

If people want to stop reading my stories because of what I believe then whatever. I respect your right to do so.

Not all Jehovah's Witnesses are mad stick-my-foot-in-your-door zealots, just like not all Muslims are terrorists, not all COE support Wars and not all Scientologists are mad (although...).

Voltaire said it best: "I don't necessarily agree with what you say, but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it".

That's my final word on religion.

Don't mess up my journal with your propaganda, I don't want to hear it.

I don't want to have to friends lock this. So grow up, yeah? 
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