Feb 24, 2011 13:15
[Anyone who was in the plaza earlier might have noticed that it was, well, covered in horns. You see, Gamzee had been trying to retrieve the mass of horns he had collected since arriving in Vatheon, but his capricious sylladex system had had other plans. Instead of depositing the horns in a neat pile as was the vague plan, it had jettisoned them everywhere. Like a honksplosion.
But Gamzee was chill with that.
It took him about the better part of an hour, but eventually there was a neat pile of horns in the center of the square. Large enough for a few people to comfortably sit on if they were so inclined.
Gamzee just stares at the pile for a few moments, before he remembers where he was going with this, and fishes out his sfc, turning it on. You see, Gamzee might be completely lacking in his mental department, but even he had noticed that a lot of people were feeling kinda down. And he knew the perfect solution for that.]
What's up, trollsefs? I all up got my motherfucking notice on that a whole fucking bunch of you motherfuckers are feeling like shit. I ain't got no motherfucking clue what shit all up happened, but shit, it is gonna be motherfucking fine, you know. All you gotta do is sit chill and wait. I's got a feel motherfucking miracles are coming.
There, I said my peace, motherfuckers. But, fuck, if you is all up needing it, I've got a motherfucking horn pile here. Ain't no motherfucking charge to it.
420 boondollars,
motherfucking miracles,
✩ IC,
take it to the hornpile,
good idea worst idea,
light's on but nobody's home