Nov 20, 2007 17:22
Well, I have a practical to do for school in about 2 hours, and I am a bit I did a tarot reading. I went outside and sat down, did an invocation to the Fae and to the spirits of Nature, and laid out my card. (I just did a one card reading for this question: What should I know about the practical that I am going to do?) Well, I got the Priestess card, which is beautiful in the faerie deck that I have. It is of a fae sitting on a stone, her wings rooted into the ground, her holding an orb, and her eyes closed. She has a large headdress on, and is underneath an Oak tree.
The meaning of the card is that I should prepare sacred space, meditate, look deeply into myself to find the I did, while sitting on the stump of a tree (it might have been an oak, I don't know, it had a lot of baby trees around it...) I used my breath to lead me to the roots of the tree to draw up the energy from the Earth and from Nature to find my answer. I became energetically "one" with the tree and with the Earth for a moment while I meditated... I almost felt like I was just an extension of the tree, like a leaf. I found that, when I looked inward, that I would do fine on the practical, I just needed to believe in myself, and apply what I have learned.
It was kind of funny that I got the Priestess card on my practical with my female teacher, and the priest card on my practical with my male teacher... I just thought that that was interesting is all...
Wish me luck on my practical!