An Exersize In Thanks

Nov 19, 2007 17:26

This is an exersize someone posted in one of my forums that I visit. I like is beautiful. I share it with you.

Old Essence Exercise of Purification and Health

Stand in living nature, between the earth and the sky.
Feel the earth under your feet; feel how the earth carries you and holds you up.
Feel the infinite sky above you; it inspires, straightens, and elevates you.
In the sky, think of the origin of your spirit and of your intelligence.
In the sky, think of the origin of your eternal soul, of the higher universal consciousness.
In the earth, think of the origin of your terrestrial soul, of your individual consciousness.
Feel yourself as a living union of the forces of the sky and the earth, of the infinite and the development.
Kneel on the ground, and with your right hand, dig a little hole in the earth.
Put your hands together in front of the center of your chest (mystical heart), in the sign of prayer and inner union with heaven and earth within you.
In this sacred posture, let a beautiful light, a force, a presence of the heaven flow through you: the omnipresence of the Father of all living beings. You can imagine a diamond light, transparent like pure water.
Bend down with love before Mother Earth, and place your hands around the little hole. Bend down completely so that your mouth is laid on your hands.
Offer then by your word the "thank you" of heaven to Mother Earth; offer also the "thank you" of your heart, and, through it, the "thank you" of the heart of humanity.

Pronounce the words:
"Mother Earth, I offer you the "thank you" of my heart and, through it, the "thank you" of the heart of all men and women. May all beings that you carry within your bosom, nurture, protect, and let grow be blessed."
Stretch yourself out on the ground and abandon yourself totally to the earth. That your body and your soul born from it be one with the Mother-Earth and her hidden splendor.

Think and say:
"Mother Earth, take all of my illnesses and my faults according your will, so that I may receive the blessing of the heavenly Spirit to transmit it to all living beings according his will."
Remain in silent communion while letting the earth purify you completely.
Rise to your knees again, and put your hands together in front of the rose of the sun of the heart.

Think in your spirit, feel in your soul, and say with your force of life:
"With love and gratitude,
I offer my loving "thank you" filled with light.
To the Mother Earth, thank you;
To the water of life, thank you;
To the precious air, thank you;
To the sacred fire, thank you;
To the stable minerals, thank you;
To the plants, thank you;
To the animals, thank you;
To humanity walking on the path of evolution, thank you;
To all of the angels, thank you;
To the cosmic intelligence which created my thought, thank you;
To the ocean of love which created my sensibility, thank you;
To the universal life which impregnated my future with the seed of individuality, thank you;
To all of the beings of the world, I give my "thank you" within Him, the unique Source who unites all beings within the origin and the goal."

Fold your arms on your chest, bow slightly your head, and pronounce the word of conclusion: "Amen".
Then, refill the hole that you had dug to speak to the Mother of the world.

health, nature

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