Truely Esoteric: Oblivious (aka: ‘Don’t Go Breaking My Heart’ remix) Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: For most interviews. Twizzlers. Schmoopie
Word Count: 2000+
Summary: For some reason I heard Elton John doing ‘Don’t Go Breaking MyHeart’ and suddenly I thought that there was something there. I neededJ2 fic because the wank was annoying me.
Cute'n'Quirky :)
setissma: Gunshy Pairings: J2, with minor sides of JDM/Kristen Bell, JDM/Jensen, and Jared/Zach Quinto
Rating: R
Word count: 36,000
Warnings: Violence, trauma, torture. Nothing much worse than an episode of Bones, but just so everyone is aware!
Oh my god, a year later. This is a J2 AU based loosely off of Fox'sBones, although you definitely don't need to watch the show to readthis. Please take a look at the introduction/glossary post before youread the rest of the fic; it doesn't contain any major spoilers, but it has some acronym definitions that will be helpful while reading!
One of my new favorites! Great dynamics, wickedly clever case and writing = WIN WIN WIN! Don't forget to check out
setissma: gunshy timestamp too!
standing_fic: Nothing Says I Love You Like a Punch in the Face j2 non-au; vague re: timeline
nc17 for explicit sexual content
2,800 words
warnings: fighting, violence, men with very awful mouths
for round 4 of [info]salt_burn_porn; written for [info]lazy_daze'sprompt: "You're the only one I trust." i think i got there? ish?
zuben_eschamali: The Mint Chocolate Chip Shake Guy Rating: R
Word count: 7,640
Summary: Scooping ice cream at the mall isn't exactly what Jaredexpected his first summer job would be. But the hot guy who works downat Hollister might make it all worthwhile.
Sweet and un-agsty fic <3
pianoforeplay: Ain't Nothin' But a Number (1/2) RPS, Jared/Jensen, Adult, ~19,300 words
It's 1997 and Jared's a sophomore in high school, just an ordinary kidwith his share of homework, angst and secrets he'd rather ignore. Butwhen his older brother Jeff brings a friend home for Christmas, Jared'sworld turns upside-down.
Rather lovely, schmoopy goodness. *__*!!!
pianoforeplay: Bye Week (Quaterback'verse) RPS, Jared/Jensen, Adult, ~7,000 words
Jared's life has changed drastically in the past eight months. And now his sister's getting married.
Girl is outdoing herself with this 'verse. NOTHING SHORT OF SPECTACULAR. *in love*
balefully: Grin and Bare It Rating: NC-17
Words: 32,700
Summary: Jensen Ackles is a physical therapist with an attitudeproblem. Jared Padalecki is the headlining stripper at the notoriousclub Ziegfeld's/Secrets, dancing his way through grad school. After amisunderstanding brings them together only to shove them violentlyapart, the two of them nurse confusing feelings of animosity and lust.Will their differences bring them together, or end up tearing themapart?
The UST and hate made this a new fav. SO GOOD. SERIOUSLY. And I love asshole!jensen and hotstuff sexin'!
felisblanco: The Puzzle (That Is Me) Word count: 19.700 words
Rating: PG-13
Summary: As they start filming and working together, Jared realizesDanneel’s prediction was right. He and Jensen do hit it off. SureJensen is quirky and sometimes (okay, a lot of times) uncomfortablydirect to the point of being rude. But once Jared figures out Jensenisn’t actually mean as much as he’s just a little clueless (and mostlyunconcerned) about the rules of social interactions, it stops botheringhim.
Loved the dynamics between the Js. Jensen was especially interesting to read and the writing is impeccable. =)
rhythmsextion : Reversion Therapy RPS, Jared/Jensen, PG-13, ~2,230 words
See, Jensen has this condition where he sometimes turns into a kid. It's usually no big deal.
A concept I'd like to see WAY more of!
aggybird: Five Coffees and One Slushie Rating: PG
Genre: AU / Romance
Word Count: 6,600
Summary: Five times Jared and Jensen met at a coffee shop and one time they didn't. But there's still coffee.
Cute. Adorkable. GREAT BALANCE!!!
neros_violin: The Best Thing I Ever Ate Word Count: 14,500
Warnings: underage drinking, pining, sickeningly sweet schmoop, not enough porn, overuse of the word ‘awesome’
Summary: Food is love.
Absolutely delightful love story. Summary gives nothing away but this is true love's first bite ;D
deirdre_c: Bright Spark into a Flame Rating: NC-17
Warning: Content could be considered dub-con
Word Count: ~4,700
Summary: When Sam convinces him to camp out in front of the fireplace,Dean discovers that it's not so bad. (Set sometime during Season 2.)
hadesphoennix: they said it was the fall of man SPN || R - sexuality, madness and weirdness || Sam/Dean || 7,900 words || general S6 spoilers
Sam gets his soul back on a Monday.
What a terrifying and intriguing concept. Loved the writing. The creep. THE END <3
micalaux: born to all of the days that end in blue sam/dean | r | 5,500 words
five times [au] fic. all roads, in all worlds, lead to sam and dean.
Strange and unique and so utterly Sam/Dean <3
philalethia: Lead Us On Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 18,700
Notes: Spoilers up to but not following 6.11. Also, one of the cases here is straight from the X-Files episode "Quagmire."
Summary: The aftermath of Sam getting his soul back isn't at all like Dean thought it would be.
Gorgeous, poignant, lovely, sexy. All that <3
ash_carpenter: Psychotically, Irrationally, Erotically Co-Dependent: A Day in the Lives of Sam & Dean Anyway. Little bit angsty, bit of brotherlysnark and generally being annoying, probably some schmoop. Nothingearth-shattering - just a day in their lives.
GEN. Funny how slashy SPN gen is ;D
selecasharp: Matchmakers Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Some language, pining!Dean, matchmaking OFCs
Spoilers: Incredibly vague for s6 to the point of not really being spoilers.
Word count: 5,230
Summary: It's Sam's birthday, and Dean's determined to get him laid.
moragmacpherson: The Many Forms of Comfort Wordcount: ~3,900
Contents include: See above, hurt/comfort elements, wrist!kink like whoa, and oral sex
Timeline: Jump the Shark (4.19)
Summary: Dean and Sam find comfort in each other following the events of Jump the Shark (4.19)
Again. Da porn!!!!
obstinatrix:against your ruins Rating: PG-13 at most.
Word Count: 2727 (ha!)
Summary/Notes: [info]latentfunction asked for Sam/Dean in the currenttimeline, particularly 'trying to deal with their various emotionaltraumas in s6'. Thus, because I got these prompts very recently: a 611coda, effectively. :) With suitable amounts of the requestedcodependency, I hope! I'm sorry I didn't manage to get any porn intoit. :/ Spoilers up to 611, just to be clear!
Our boys at their finest angst.
faunaana: Inexorable Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~7800
Summary: It's a parody of desire he's stepped into, and he knowsthere's something waiting to slam into him, ready to mock him for evenmomentarily enjoying this.
Seriously cool concept. Applaud <3
dragonspell: Autumn Leaves Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Pre-series. Sam's 17.
Summary: In the weak light of early morning, the autumn leaves arestarting to paint the woods in reds and golds and a burning orange. Onsome level or another, Dean knows that it’s beautiful; he does. He'sjust got to find Sam first.
Word Count: 4630
Have some stubborn!sam porn >:D
britomart_is: The Thirteenth Door Rating: PG
Words: 3700
Spoilers: For all aired episodes.
Summary: Sam never did have an itch he didn't scratch.
Creepiest love story ever. I approve!
moragmacpherson: The Weight Genre:: Slash, PWP, AU
Word Count: 2,666
Timeline: Nightmare (1.14)
Summary: In which Sam discovers there's more to his powers than seeing the future, and Dean maybe doesn't mind so much.
Heh. Powers!Sammy porning!
gretazreta: Flight Patterns Rating: R
Length: ~8000 words
Summary: Dean’s secret changes everything, but not a great deal.
JFC her fics are like otherworldly they're so good and this? Is a shining example for that!
fleshflutter: Plus ça change Sam/Dean, pg-ish, 1k, set post 6.11
Does not need reccing. Is perfect.
mollyamory: Combat Medicine Castiel can't seem to quit his day job. Theybegin shouting at him -- or each other -- or both -- while his atomsare still settling into place.
Sam/Dean. PG.
~1,400 words
runedgirl: Every Me and Every You Rating: NC17
Word Count: 15,300 complete
Written for [info]spn_j2_xmas as a gift for [info]locknkey, who wanted Sam/Dean tail or wing fic, bonus points for both.
Everybody recced this, lemme join :D
selecasharp: Like a Fever Burning Faster Genre: Humor / Romance / Porn
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Language, brief Dean/OMC
Word count: 14,989
Summary: Dean gets infected by a succubus and needs to have sex withSam to be cured. But Sam's definitely going to find another way. Nomatter how much he might want to give in.
Fuck-or-Die done right!