
Oct 10, 2010 22:04

Back in business with so much new stuff... @.@

dreamwithcolor: Adonijah - The Faerie Realm Champion

Rating: PG
Word count: 20,600
Summary:Jensen grew up believing in a faerie world. As a small kid, hehad a friend who was a faerie and went by the name of Jared. Yearsafter Jared disappeared from his life, he comes back to ask forJensen's help to save the Faerie Realm.
This was cute, I really liked Prince michael and wish there was more to his story. It seemed plenty interesting!

aynslee: The Learning Curve at Wakefield High

Wordcount: 22,200
Summary: When Jared accepts the job at Wakefield High, he expects theusual problems: lazy students, meddlesome parents, and an airconditioner that barely functions in the Texas heat. But he doesn’texpect his biggest problem, which comes in the form of his new boss -Principal Jensen Ackles.
Want some schmoopy romance with a little angst thrown in? Come this way, you will not be disappointed. <3

sinestrated: Kiss Me With a Bullet

Rating: PG-13 (violence and language)
Words: 8,821
Notes: AU. Very, very loosely inspired by the Korean movie Daisy.
Summary: Jared is a barista at a small coffee shop who promptly fallsfor Jensen, his newest customer. But Jensen is hiding something big,and it just might have something to do with the mob family across thestreet.
Supa-dupa interesting premise that could easily feed a whole bigbang and is squished in under 10k here. Wowaz!

longsufferingly: Keep Digging; Maybe We'll Find Some Talent

Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles, minor off-screen Jensen/Jeffrey Dean Morgan, mentions of Jared/girls.
Rating: Hard R.
Word Count: 7000 words.
Summary: In 2005, instead of getting cast on Supernatural, Jared andJensen get cast on Jeffrey Dean Morgan's new show, Whose Line Is ItAnyway. BFFery and innuendo ensues.
Moar cute J2 Au. I'm a sucker for them and especially for oblivious!boys like here :D :D

_mournthewicked: it's a brand new day (sunset 'verse)

Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~ 1,750
Warnings: An unholy amount of schmoop.
Summary: Around the time that Jensen graduated high school, he waspretty convinced that life couldn’t get much better. Then Jared wentand proved him wrong.
Everytime she writes schmoop, puppies are born. NGL. ♥

obsessed1: Whatever You Wish For, You Keep 1/3

Summary: Cinderella. J2 style. Features evil step-persons, magic and Eric Kripke as Sir Not Appearing In This Film.
Words: 28,000+
Warnings: Disney-worthy schmoop. A fairy godmother with enough magic toget Jared into thigh-high leather boots. Abuse of a childhood classic.
A super schmopy, fun tale. Maybe a weee bit too schmoopy even? But the premise was fun!

longsufferingly: Picture the Two of Us Alone Insidide my Golden Submarine

Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles, Danneel Harris/Riley Smith, mentions of some others
Rating: Hard R.
Warnings: Adopted brother-cest, Jonny-Quest situations.
Word Count: 11500.
Summary: Jensen's got a good life--taken in by a rich and famousglobe-trotting scientist, bound for grad school at Harvard--and then hegoes and falls for his adopted brother.
This was exciting and fun and had semi-j2-incest - what could a girl want more? ;D

akintay:You Look Too Good to Be So Down

Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~2,700
Summary: Jensen's date cancels on him last-minute, so Jared steps inand goes out with him. It doesn't turn out the way they expected it to.
Schmoopy little happy fic!

standing_fic: Let's Discuss Something More Productive

pg13 for language
1700 words
jared's angry, but mike and katie can see right through him, and they know what to do to help.
Read this because Jensen never makes an apperance and you still get a perfect view into their "relationship". So genius!

obsessed1: Runaway Sensation

Summary: A Rolling Stone exclusive! How fame and fortune almost ruined the life of Jensen Ackles.
Pairings: Jared/Jensen, Jared/others, Jensen/others, Chris/Danneel
Words: ~41,000
The pacing in this is stunning. One of the best AUs I've ever read. The flashbacks and different POVs are genius, genius galore.

crackedbuthappy: Sherwood

Rating: NC17
Word Count: ≈ 73K
Warnings/Spoilers: Historical AU. Men in tights. Written for [info]spn_j2_bigbang.
Summary: Jensen is not spontaneous. He does not break the rules. He isthe perfect example of a good son and well behaving royalty. Hiscousin, however, is not. When she declared she’s running away becauseof an unexpected engagement, Jensen followed her to keep her safe. Ontheir journey to find her true love and their joint freedom, they’rekidnapped by the renowned Sherwood Gang of Robin Hood fame. AfterRobin’s death, the torch was passed onto Jared, the son of Little John.Jensen expected to find a brute criminal in the leader of the Gang,instead of he discovered a hopeless romantic who agreed to aid theroyal pair in their quest. Though their relationship begins astumultuous, Jared and Jensen formed a tentative relationship thatblossomed in the Sherwood Forest.
Hmmm... men in tights. Also Jensen is a pretty, pretty princess at first ;)

makeit-takeit: Screw You, We're From Texas

Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 75,002
Pairings: Jared/Jensen (Also: Jared/OFC & /OMC, Jensen/OFC & /OMC)
Warnings: Some religious themes? Minor drug use, bad language, bad decisions, bad jokes.
Summary: Everyone knows the story - Jensen had plans to enroll at TexasTech and become a Physical Therapist, Jared was heading for theUniversity of Texas to become an Engineer. Instead, they both gotagainst-all-odds breaks in Hollywood and ended up on a totallydifferent path. This is the story of what could have happened if fatetwisted differently, if they never got those big Hollywood breaks, andinstead ended up living the lives they grew up expecting to lead.
This story took its time to develop Jensen's misery. Oh boy! But it was so interesting to follow that at the end you wonder where the 75k have vanished to. I just love how everything fell together at the end *happy sigh* Such a meaty, fantastic read!

Seymour's SPN - Red Hot....steam.....

Seymour's SPN - :D

I guess everyone and their dogs has seen these already, but stunning fanart needs reccing all_the_time as far as I'm concerned =)

rivkat: Only Sweeter

Words: 29778
Dean gets amnesia; Sam tries to use it to fix him. Sam/Dean for certain values of Sam/Dean.
WHy am I reccing this? A classic amensia!fic and deservedly so. The writing is spendid, the boys are wonderful and Dean will break you and rebuild you and it all leaves you breathless.

astolat: Leader of the Pack

(14,904 words)
Sam/Dean, adult, explicit
The hellhounds were milling around her legs, almost high as her waist:pale white hides and red eyes, long red tongues lolling out betweentheir stained teeth, all of them panting like the exhaust of aneighteen-wheeler and staring right at him.
SO EFFIN' GREAT. What a concept, what characterizations! And hellhounds! YAY *___*

rivkat: The Glamorous Life

Summary: Dean’s infected by an incubus. Complications ensue. Dean/many others; Sam/Dean. NC-17.
Disclosures: At least as many issues of consent as you’d expect. There’s also non-incubus nonconsensual sex.
Cheezus. How have I missed all her fabulous stories? Because this is easily one of the bestest sex!curse fics ever. Just wow. Sometimes creepy and violent and raw and just WOW.

akintay: Something So Real Doesn't Disappear

Pairing: Dean Smith/Sam Wesson
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2,500
Summary: Smith/Wesson AU. After a month of not talking to each other,Sam and Dean start spending time together again - until Sam asks Deanto come to the office party with him.
The adorkable duo!!!! :D :D

lifting_latches: No Hands

Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: none
Wordcount: 2046
Summary: “Let’s get up some speed, and I’ll let go,” Sam says.
First I was confused at how the two parts go together but then I went all *bling* GOTCHA. :D

gretazreta: The common fate of all

Pairing: Sam/Dean, (mention of Dean/OFC)
Rating: R
Summary: Dean Winchester works in insurance: brought up in foster care,he’s never hunted, never fired a gun, and never owned a car. Then, oneday, he meets a guy called Sam.
Length: about 10,000 words (posted in 2 parts).
If perfection was ever made into fics this would be it. I love how she explored Dean's inner workings and arghhh I do not wanna spoiler you BUT READ THIS 'KAY? IT IS, for lack of better words, PERFECTION!

Malcolm St. James: Sub Rosa

Pairing: Sam/Dean, or Beauty/Beast.
Word Count: 21,000
I’ve borrowed from the Disney version (although no song and/or dance numbers), and also of Beauty, by Robin McKinley.
I'VE LOVED THIS CRAZY AMOUNTS. First I was all LULZ beauty&beast sam/dean au? This I gotta see. Then I was shocked at how awesome and FUN (omg when are Sam/Dean ever fun these days???) it was! DO NOT MISSS <333333333

locknkey: Hearts Brighter Than Starry Skies

Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 44,835
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Dean, John Winchester
Warnings: Sam is 16, consensual incest, M/M sex acts, Killing of supernatural kittens.
Summary: Growing up is never easy - being treated like a soldier byyour Dad makes it twice as tough. For sixteen-year-old Sam, all of thatseems like a walk in the park compared to being in love with hisbrother. For Dean, it's a tightrope act: never quite good enough forhis Dad, never knowing what to do to make things right for moodyteen-aged Sammy, and always feeling like he's coming up short for both.Now they have to endure three weeks of survival training alone in thewilderness. The careful balancing act that Dean's been maintaining isabout to be turned on its head. Written for [info]spn_j2_bigbang
One of the goodie teenchester big bangs out there. there's totally not enough of those, so soak this one up!

lazy_daze: You ain't got a thing to lose

Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: ~3,700
Wincest porn, you say? COME. here.

nola_rue: First time around

Rating: NC-17
Word count: 3,105
Warning: I'm not specifying Sam's age. View it however makes you mostcomfortable, but for reference I definitely wrote Sam under 15.
If you like possesive little sammy, click! He's worth it ;)

fleshflutter: I'm your villain

(Dean/Crowley, nc-17, 2.5k, dub-con overtones)
Disturbing. Great. Creepy. OMG THE END.

lyra_wing: Tales of the Wild Country

Rating: light R (language, incest, not-very-explicit sex)
Word Count: 3,675 words
Summary: Dean and Sam become hired hands. And that is all I'm gonnasay. Uh, this kind of story has been done before, but I've alwayswanted to give it a try. So here I go.
Great concept. Our boys as cowboys = WIN.

latentfunction: Iteration

Rating NC-17
Word Count 2100
Summary The second time; the morning after.
Morning after fics are a tough call in spn fandom but this balanced and aced it!

candle-beck: Second Map of the World

16671 words! rated NC-17! no spoilers at all, and hopefully worth the wait.
If this writer ever leaves fandom, the world will explode. She's just THAT awesome. <3

standing_fic: under harvest moon

s/d first time; au within series, somewhere
nc17: fuck-or-die, power struggles, impregnation kink [WHAT i don't know]
4,300 words
i'm going with: supernatural wolf-bite/saliva makes the winchesters go crazy.

Alchemy Alice: Carpooling

Title: Carpooling
Genre and/or Pairing: Crack, pre-Dean/Castiel, Crowley, Sam
Rating: PG for language
Warnings/Spoilers: Up to 5.20
Word Count: ~1,300
Summary: This is the worst car ride in the history of ever.
Crack of the best kind!

rivers_bend: Cool as Starlight on your Skin

Pairing: Sam/Dean (pre-series [I know you're all shocked])
Words: 1000
Rating: Teen
Summary: If there's one thing Sam's good at, it's running. But one thing Dean's good at is finding him.
GREAT WEECEST is her middle name :D

zoemathemata: Small Packages

Word Count: 5100ish - it was the little fic that just wouldn't end!
A/N: Sequel to Eat Me, Drink Me, where Dean is deaged due to [insertplot contrivance here]. I must confess, this turned into a story moreabout Sam than Dean and I really didn't see it coming. It kind of gotaway from me and I'm just happy I finished it.
A sequel to one of my favest fics but this is completely different. Not badly so or anything but if you read "Eat me, drink me" this is a lot darker and tear-jerkier!

nyoka: There are Names For What Binds Us

Count: ~1,130
Warnings/Spoilers: Set late S3.
Summary: Dean's been chasing nights all his life.
Her fics are poetry <3

bewaretheides15: Good Excuse To Be A Bad Influence

Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Weecest (no ages noted), oral, facial, tiny bit of rimming, comeplay
Summary - Sam catches Dean watching porn one night and accidentallyreveals one of his fantasies. Will Dean make it come true?

regala_electra: The Pursuit

Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,074
Spoilers: References to S2, S4, & S5
Warnings: Sexual Content, Language
Summary: The theory goes like this: eventually, it won’t be the worst sex ever.
Bad!Sex is just such a fun trope with our competitive boys, ya know? =P

jade-dragoness: Elementary

Rating: PG
Pairing: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Elementary school AU!
Word Count: 384

skellerbvvt: Type/Safe

Summary Merlin didn’t like to think he waspredictable. He just happened to be very fond of muscular men who savedhis life and were nice to him. It didn’t mean he was easy, it justmeant that he had a type. Lots of people had types. It was perfectlyreasonable to have a type.
Rating NC-17
Warnings None
Pairing Past Merlin/Lancelot, One Sided Merlin/Arthur (or as one-sided as those two get. Which is not.), Merlin/Gwaine.
Wordcount 4,100
Craving some Gawain fic? This promptly delivers! Now if there were some jealous!Arthur hiding in the shadows IT WOULD MAKE MY DAY! *wants that fic so bad, please rec me if you know of any!*

Takadainmate: The History of Two Conversations (On Paper)

Rating: Not for kids! 15-ish stuff herein.
Words: 11,114 (Yah. Short, my arse.)
Summary: Arthur/Merlin. Books are defaced. But it's all for a good cause. Really.
ROFL. MERLIIIIN at his best!

Cori Lannam: The Tournament of All Magicks (Merlin, 1/4)

Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 41,321
Summary: Merlin is invited to compete in a tournament of magic. Sure,he'd like to become the champion of all Albion, but first he has to getpast giant creatures, a seductive sorceress, and the crown prince ofCamelot.
Gorgeous Merlin bigbang in which Merlin is an idiot, Arthur is a clingy idiot and Emrys is the greatest of the great. So much fun!

minor_hue: the good times are killing me (1/2)

Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~15,300
Summary: In which the boys pretend to still be together for Christmas (and there is more than one kind of charade).
Made me bawl like crazy and I loved every word of it especially THE HAPPY END, HELLYEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!

ella_bane: A Warlock's Worth

Rating: NC-17
Summary: When a visiting prince sets his sights on Merlin, Arthur isnot amused. A story of love, loyalty, and secrets too-long kept. Canonera.
Word Length: 21,049
Jealous!Arthur - how I missed you! NEVER leave me! This was a blast all around to read!

shine: What Is Now Found

Rating: NC-17
Warnings: This story contains references to graphic violence. There areallusions to a previous plot point in which there was an examination todetermine if Merlin was raped, although Merlin has not been sexuallyassaulted.
Word count: 5694
Summary: Arthur supposed it could have been worse.
Such a gorgeous tale -- Arthur being all sacrificial and caring for Merlin and badass towards the evil duded. :D :D

fic rec

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