deirdre_c: Nothing Rhymes with Texas Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~5,000
Warning: Dub-con
Summary: Jensen is a newly-minted cop and there’s this one particular hooker on his beat.
misunderstood this a teeny bit at the end but it's absofreakin'lutely awesome in any case!
timehasa-way: You're Like Perfection Word Count: 1,167
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Porn!
Summary: Soccer and soccer shorts turn Jensen and Jared on, respectively. "Perfect" is up for debate.
WOAH. HOT. And sorta emotionally fullfilling too. :D
cirramin: some sweet talking boy summary: jensen and jared aren't talking, perhaps because jensen was a dickhead of epic proportions.
genre: au
word count: 1400
The slow reveal towards what happened is well done!
lyra_wing: There's gotta be a punch line in here somewhere, 1/2 Rating: NC-17 (incest, sex, language, etc.)
Summary: The boys switch bodies. Aaand cue chaos. If you're looking for deep and meaningful fic, this ain't it.
Good ol' classic bodyswap fun!
like_a_raven: The Other Side of the Fence Summary: A six-year old Sam can’t sleep. Which means Dean can’t sleep. Which means the sheep know kung fu. No, really.
Details: PG at most. 1500 or so words. Pre-canon. No spoilers.
Invest 2 minutes in a giggle! ;D
mistyzeo: Just Happy To See You (Sam/Dean, R) ~1500 words
Sam and Dean, frotting in a closet.
chocolate_muse: Morning Glory Rating: NC-17
Count: 1,260
Warnings: pre-series schmoop; pwp; underage sexuality [16/20]
Summary: Summer means being curled up with Dean on a morning that stretches long and perfect.
everything that makes weecest so awesome rolled in one perfect fic!
lazy_daze: all the stars wouldn't fall from the sky Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: ~7,400
A super "how Season 6 could play out"-fic. Oh boys *hearts*
locknkey: And So Must Rest In The Arms Of Love At Last Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6412
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Dean
Warnings: M/M sex, sex pollen/fuck or die scenario, Sam is 15
Summary: Sam resents giving up normal things for familyresponsibilities, but he soon finds he's willing to give up everythingfor Dean.
A classical trope well done <3!
merryish: Free and Clear a post-AHBL2 Supernatural story by Merry
Sam/Dean, slash, adult. 6,641 words.
Summary: "You don't even know what you're thanking me for."
Oh the beauty of early seasons boys is perfectly captured here. They're SO obsessed with each other. *sighs happily*
apreludetoanend: You Are Here (The Adventures of Brother Of The Year and Silent Boy) & sequel
apreludetoanend: Please Drive to Highlighted Route I'm not sure whether this can actually becategorized as Wincest, but that's what I'm calling it because Sam/Deanhaters will not be amused. It's set post-AHBL2, so beware of spoilersif you haven't seen the episode, but it doesn't deal with the aftermathat all.
Cracktastic and absolutely ridicilous how-wincest-can-happen-fic. XD
franticsga: Be Resigned Warnings: G, pre-slash, AU. Later R
Description: The first time Lt Arthur Pendragon properly met A1C MerlinEmrys, he was doing push-ups on the floor of the Fort Campbell weatherstation.
Positively one of the best Merlin Aus ever. It won every merlin slash award possible and for dang good reason it did. This is one of the times were you forget your reading fanfic, it's that professional and GOOD.
accordingtomel: This Dark Road Will Lead Us Where We Want to Be (1/11) Summary: When a visiting noble attacks Arthurwith the intent to kill, Merlin is forced to openly use magic to savehis life. With execution less than twenty-four hours away, a desperateArthur tricks Merlin into binding their souls in order to prevent hisdeath as a sorcerer. But the soul-bond has some unexpectedconsequences, and when Uther demands that Arthur unbind his soul so hecan carry on with the execution, the two set out on a journey to findanswers. Along the way they deal with the ramifications of Merlin'sdeception, discover some truths about their growing feelings for oneanother, and are forced to make some huge decisions that could have animpact on their lives forever.
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers/Warnings: Everything up to and including 2x13
Word Count: 90,521
Did you say bonded!boys? :D :D I was on this like a fly on your coke while you're sitting outside in the sun. Awesome stuff!
franticsga: Pros and Cons of Being a Lapdog for The knights often liked to tease him becausewhen they went out for a hunt or a mission for the King, Merlin shared his sleeping pallet.
Merlin fluff at its best!
paperclipbitch: From Where I Stand You're In My Sky Pairing: Merlin/Arthur {past Merlin/Will, slight Arthur/Superman; it almost makes sense in context}
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 17,520
Genre: Slash
Summary: AU. Arthur looks away from the terrified, accusing dark eyesof the man on the newspaper, and turns his attention to his breakfast.
She's one of my favorite writers in Merlin/Glee fandom and GODDAMN sometimes I'm stunned and awed into speechlessness at how freakin' awesome she is! And this story is so totally, overwhelmingly good. JUST WOW.
franticsga: Arthur and the Real Boy Rating: R
Word Count: 16,231
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Description: From the kink meme prompt here:
Arthur/Merlin, modern AU.
Merlin is an indie geek who works at a used books, cd and record store.(And by indie geek anon would like the whole stereotype. Listens toweird rock bands, read obscure books, big black framed glasses.)
Arthur is the averagegolden-boy-super-jock-perfect-preppy-soccer-captain. He sees Merlinsomewhere and instantly starts going out of his way, going to Merlin'sstore, reading his weird books and listening to his weird music just toimpress him.
This was such a feel-good, perfect little story. You just never want the schmoop and lovelove to end! :D