“I live close to the Canuckistan/Merkan border. People I know make the dangerous trip across the 49th Parallel to do things in the states (usually for a quick visit). They have told me stories about the events on the other side of the horrible 49th Parallel. First off… Merkans do not actually have food in their country. They have this weird
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"The Russian mystic Gurdjieff claimed that we all contain multiple personalities. Many researchers in psychology and neuroscience now share that startling view. as Gurdjieff indicated, the "I" who toils at a job does not seem the same "I" who makes love with joy and passion, and the third "I" who occasionally gets angry for no evident reason seems
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“Someday you're going to have to explain how it is you've managed to create a subconscious echo that's smarter than you are.” ---From "Blackout" by Mira Grant
The following is a quote from a book my friend Brooke is reading. I think my fellow Unitarian Universalists will appreciate it:“We are gathered here together this evening in the spirit of the Nameless and in affirmation of the quest for goodness and mercy in all that we do
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Lyria Spellspinner, after we saw an example of the "I know you're lying!/(They're telling the truth)" trope: "Some people are such bad habitual liars themselves that they are no longer able to recognize honesty in others. Such people are fools."
"If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches, that's not progress. If you pull it all the way out, that's not progress. The progress comes from healing the wound that the blow made. The government hasn't even begun to pull the knife out. They won't even admit the knife is there."
Catalina Payne on Facebook: "BTW: it1 is kind of an instinct all Payne's are born with. You can get away with ANYTHING provided that actually getting you into trouble is more paperwork than the trouble really was worth."