Jul 01, 2010 12:12
I have a habit of making up curse words out of the blue, mainly because I don't think there's anything wrong with sex and so I don't consider Fuck to be a naughty word. Other curse words tend to get overused to the point of becoming meaningless. So might as well use inherently meaningless words, as I see things. And when I find ones I like, I reuse them. I can't always remember them offhand, but my current favorites include:
1. Razzlefrakkus!
2. Frazzlerakkus!
3. Frakking nadjits!
4. Spazmaglorf!
5. Grafnag!
If I'm sufficiently frustrated or angered by something, I'll either curse in Dvencoilii, the language of the Duenicallo (a Traipahni species) or, since I don't have very much Dvencoilii figured out yet, something that sounds like Dvencoilii. It's a good language to curse in, because it has lots of rolling R's, harsh consonants, and that throat-clearing sound. It's inspired, in part, by Klingon. Though not entirely; I remember first hearing about the throat-clearing sound from a guy who spoke about the Arabic language at our high school once.
There's something really fun and cathartic about expressing one's anger in Dvencoilii. It's a language meant to be spoken by a species of sentient carnivores that are roughly the size of a medium-sized horse, and could probably kill an adult male polar bear with a single swipe of a paw/hand; they could certainly kill a human without even breaking a sweat, or even getting out of bed, for that matter. Piss one off bad enough, and the force from the blow of one of their paws could send the many pieces of your head splattering all over the room, since they can hit hard enough to crush your head like a professional baseball batter taking a sledgehammer to a ripe watermelon. Only, you know, their paws are about the size of a dinner plate.
Anyway... yeah. Duenicallo have lots of sharp teeth, which gives them a certain accent that serves them well. Dvencoilii being their language... I lost my train of thought. Oh well. But Dvencoilii has some curse words in it that would make your hair curl. Some are so bad nobody ever uses them! :-) And at least one was so bad, a Duenicallo would kill you before you had a chance to finish saying it! Not sure how well that would work in the real world, but it's fun.
As a comparison: Trai'Pahg'Nan'Nog, the trade language of the Ah'Koi Bahnis - a language I have several hundred words for, has only one curse word so far: da-vekii. It literally means "turds." I really need to add some more. I doubt, hanging out with the Duenicallo for so many millennia, that their language would really be so antiseptic.
I was going to figure out what "ass face" would be in TPNN, since I have a word for butt and one for face, just couldn't recall them offhand, but Panera uses a SonicWall filter, and my website is - for reasons I can only guess at - blocked by SonicWall. Oh wait, duh! I have a copy of that file on my laptop. Lemme dig it out... *waits for NeoOffice to load* *gives up on that, loads the file in Opera*
Okay, so "face" is "vubtuhmuh" and "buttocks" is "plompf." So plompftuhmuh, plompfvubtumuh, vubplompf, or somesuch would be TPNN for "ass face." Hmm... yet another case of TPNN being better for clarity of meaning than for the flow of the words. You should see TPNN poetry from my point of view... very hard to write a decent poem in TPNN, the words don't quite flow right. I guess it makes sense, though; even on Traipah, TPNN is a constructed language, built by Traipahni linguists as a universal trade language.
Hey, it's noon. Normally I would still be asleep. *wanders off vaguely*
constructed languages,
curse words,