Herp derp

Mar 24, 2013 18:33

So on LogJam, I just checked the server information for Livejournal, to see where it differed from Dreamwidth, since LogJam was working for LJ, and saw that all it said was "www.livejournal.com". So I cut the server info for Dreamwidth down to "www.dreamwidth.org" to see if that would work, and sure enough, it did. Now I feel stupid. *Le sigh*

LogJam looks more sparse than the other program at first glance, but has a boatload of things in the menus, whereas the other one didn't even HAVE menus. So I'm cool with it so far.

Testing the LJ cut here.

Oh hey, in the View menu, you can add things like security, icon, mood and so on to the post entry window! This LogJam program is starting to be just as good as Semagic!

This was cross-posted from http://fayanora.dreamwidth.org/1132180.html
You can comment either here or there.

ubuntu, dreamwidth, logjam

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