Apr 05, 2011 18:42
So, tomorrow morning, i.e. in less then 12 hours, I'll be leaving to head to Michigan. In case some of you forgot or didn't know, that is where I'm originally from. Tomorrow, I'm heading back home to drop Scout off with my mom and then I'll be heading back down to Detroit sometime on Thursday, TBD. I'll be at FCN for this weekend and then I'll be heading back home for two weeks to spend my birthday and Easter with my family and then the next day, driving back to Maryland.
Now, for those of you who are non-believers, my home and hometown are prehistoric when it comes to technology, which means I'll have to go to a public terminal to access the internet, or my brother's or sister's house... and then they have dial-up (yes, it still exists) or some other form of crappy internet. So, I'll be out of the loop for a while as even my cell phone doesn't work there.
Peace 'til later.