Some Food for Thought

Apr 01, 2011 10:46

So, FWA passed a few weeks ago and it sure got some media coverage.  Was it good or bad, or really indifferent?  It all depends on the person who saw the footage.  In case you have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm talking about G4's AOTS coverage and the "hidden radio reporter" footage.

This has started to change my point of view on how we (as furries) should deal with people outside of the fandom.  I use to be a big person on keeping everything clean and have voiced my dislike of people, both in and outside of the fandom, describing furries as sexual deviants.  But, the fact reminds that we ALL know someone who falls in that category and is public about the fact that they are.

I'm sick of the people who will lie through their teeth when dealing with outsiders and media saying stuff like, "The members of the fandom are clean, fun-loving people who just like to dress up as animals and entertain people." and "Nothing sexual happens at the con, it's really just about people coming together and having fun."  And yet, you can find footage of THAT EXACT PERSON having sex in fursuit on the internet.  This is a true case, but I'm not naming names.  And worse off, he was a chairman for the convention.

Look, if we want cons to be all public-friendly and to be true to what we say they are, why not clean up the act?  Remove adult art from the dealer's den and art show.  Get rid of the adult tracks in the programming.  Establish rules for acts of public affection that are deemed socially unacceptable.  Sound like a good idea anyone?  I'm sure no one would agree to that.  So, why not actual be honest?

I know that you don't want to fully give up every little dirty secret the fandom has, and lord knows that that closet runs deep.  But still, you can be honest to a point to give up suitable information so that it doesn't sound like you're hiding something deeper.  "Yes, the convention allows things of an adult nature for those interested parties.  However, those are in areas that are age restricted and the convention keeps the majority of it's programming oriented towards the general audience."

The fact of the matter is, sex and sexual material has become a major part of any convention and no one wants to see it go away.  Artists know that pieces of an adult matter will sell quicker, and for more, then those of a general audience.  Companies that sololy sell equipment used for sex are present in the dealer's den.  Commissioners are almost always willing to take adult pieces to work on, and some will charge extra sololy for that fact.  If you take away all of the adult material in the art show and dealer's den, you will have less sellers.  Less sellers means less attendees, and every con wants to have as many attendees as possible.

And, what about the sex parties?  Does the convention staff have the authority to shut them down?  Yes, in a matter of ways.  Staff security CAN always report to the hotel staff that a room is beyond maximum capacity and the hotel would have the authority to step in.  Would they kick anyone out, not necessarily, but I bet you that if hotel management started knocking on your door while you're having a eightsome, it'd stop pretty quickly.  Also, they could make it within the Terms of Agreement for the con that such activity would result in banishment from the convention, and take everyone's badge that was AT that party.  However, that would create so much drama so quickly, that it will never happen.

So, we have a little situation on our hands.  We can't get rid of the adult side of the convention and yet at the same time, we can't really keep denying it's there.  As the furry fandom becomes more and more in the spotlight, people will know more and more about what goes on there.  The fact of the matter is, what was once a hidden little secret that many of us furs that have been in a fandom for long time just stumbled across, is now something that has turned into a subculture and a fairly well-known one.  We need, as a collective, to figure out how to deal with questions about sex in the fandom instead of just using smokescreens.

I don't have answers to those questions, but ultimately, this was just some food for thought.

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