my life.... sheesh! kinda weird!

Dec 08, 2008 00:19

haha, While going through old pictures  I found some that... until I found both sets, I had no idea were so similar! It's me and Cassie...

I have no idea why I put that as the "read more" thingie.... I hate soap operas... that just seemed to fit :D hehe

 Differences...  I'm dark and she's my little almost albino baby! :D I had dark eyes she has blue eyes (my eyes are hazel) I have a ton of thick dark brown hair, she has thin fuzzy strawberry blonde hair.
Similarities: We're looking the same direction and our hands are almost in the same place.

Kitties!!! So there I am, 1 year old in the kitchen floor clutching a litter of kittens. 23 years later, Cassella is 1, in the living room and my dad is showing her her very first kitten. She looks more excited than I did. My hair was still thicker... and dark.  Poor Cassie, so white she gets whited out by the flash!
That yellow thing is a piece of a water hose and she's not holding it... My dad hated how low the handle on the recliner was so he cut a hole in the hose and taped it to the chair handle.
You think that's bad? When I was growing up there was a big blue velvet chair that we weren't allowed to sit in cause it was "dad's chair" and there was so much damn junk piled to the side of it!
Nuts, bolts, screws, baseball bats, electrical tape, bags and boxes of stuff! He'd sit there and put together things that could knock a person out (or worse) if you hit them with it!
Whenever any of us (kids) went out at night, we had to carry one of his sticks. We never got messed with... that's an upside I guess.

family, cassella, pictures

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