
Dec 07, 2006 22:31

Started holiday cards last night. How in the WORLD did my list get over 300? This is insane! Must cut back drastically next year. Perhaps the handwritten note in each is what's taking so long? I did about 30 last night. Determined to get them out Monday at the latest, so guess what I'll be doing this weekend? I had a huge guilt thing last year when I decided to print address labels rather than addressing the envelopes by hand. Silly, huh? And then I didn't even get my cards out.

Sean Bean is yummy! I finished watching the 5th Sharpe film this afternoon and now I'm in the middle of Clarissa. Perhaps another Fellowship viewing is needed as well.

My dinner plans got put on hold as my friend has a nasty migraine. Poor thing. I hope she feels better soon. Those things are just evil.

Thanks everyone for the great stocking stuffer suggestions! Now I have too many ideas to choose from :) And it turns out I might only need to do one guy stocking, so I'll have to save the rest of the ideas for another year. You guys rock!

Finished Season one of Project Runway last night. I didn't know who won, so I was pleasantly surprised when they announced the winner.


holidays, food, movies, friends, tv, life, headaches, weekend

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