May 01, 2006 02:44
It's quite a sad state of affairs that it takes being thrown back into the midnight monotony to bring out the LJer in me. Aside from the last entry I did (which I made private so you can't see it anymore) it had been almost a month since my previous entry. So, maybe I'll use this time well to catch everyone up on what is new in town.
No more friends only entries, because I've forgotten the reasons for screening out everyone. I think at one time I was trying to hide from a certain stalker guy LJ-named DoctorGrant because he was creep-tastic. Commenting on every single fucking entry I ever made, wanting me to fly out to Ohio to visit him whenever I posted a rage-filled entry (which mind you is all the time because, well, I have a lot of rage here). When he called me one night, the only thing audible being heavy breathing, I knew I had to cut this motherfucker out. Maybe he's the reason, or I was just doing a major series of shit-talking and didn't want to get found out? I forget.
So I have this wonderful laptop that's been with me through thick and thin. Wireless high-speed music pirating and dial-up teary eyed rants. If it could talk about all of the info it's been privy to, I'd have to shank it right with sharp ass magnet. But it's been pretty lonely lately. Almost 2 months without being connected to the internet. (I lie, there was that beach trip but it was a super shitty connection and we were too busy fucking to really use it.) I digress... So I went out and bought a wireless router so I could be geeky within the confines of my own room. But because Walmart has a shitty electronics section that doesn't treat boxes well, the router I bought last night was fucked up. CD bent to hell... The cords looking like they've been used before... It was just a bad situation. Sloppy seconds if you will. So when I get off and take the BFF home after work, back to Walmart I go to exchange my shit. Maybe then I can set myself up in a wireless network nirvana.
Speaking of Nirvana... I want to be a Buddhist/Taoist but I'm a lazy bitch.
I'm tired of typing. So let this be my resolution to try harder and keep up with all this jibber jabber.
Exacerbatingly Yours,
B. Miller.