We Love the Women That Fandom Hates- Day 1

Sep 09, 2011 00:26

It is past midnight and thus officially September 9th which means it is the first day of the We Love the Women That Fandom Hates project. For those of you who have only watched Game of Thrones and not read A Song of Ice and Fire, the Catelyn meta today does not refer to events that happen after the first book. However, it does refer to events that ( Read more... )

buffy, game of thrones, we love the women that fandom hates, doctor who

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Comments 45

oparu September 9 2011, 23:36:38 UTC
Thanks for so eloquently explaining Catelyn and Jon. I see that tossed around often and your clarification is the best I've seen.

and ♥ for Cordelia.


fauxkaren September 9 2011, 23:47:45 UTC
Thanks for your kind words! I'm having way too much fun writing about these characters.


oparu September 10 2011, 00:06:21 UTC
They're in good hands!! I look forward to more days of fantasticness.

p.s. As westerosorting's Ned, much love, in a stoic, Northern way.


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oparu September 10 2011, 00:08:30 UTC
I suppose, but the hate is so prevalent. I can only speak for Catelyn, but it seems like every time I click her name on Tumblr, someone complains about her.

That doesn't happen with Ned, Robb, Daenerys...


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oparu September 10 2011, 00:15:19 UTC
I need more lesbians or men in my fandoms! (well, just ASOIAF really, middle aged women get a lot of love in Star Trek, the Closer, etc)

I don't really understand tumblr. I click, there's pretty, I'm happy. It seems in ASOIAF I click, there's idiocy, I'm annoyed.


mfirefly10 September 10 2011, 09:11:02 UTC
I love your thoughts on all three of these characters, but Cat especially. I loathe the fact that fandom hates her for her treatment of Jon because, like you, I think it's totally understandable.

I love that Cat is flawed -- that she pushes her anger onto the wrong person, that she lashes out when she's grief-striken, and that her resentment for Jon only grows the longer he stays in Winterfell. These are all realistic, HUMAN flaws and they make her so very interesting.

This is truly fantastic meta. It's well thought-out and straight-to-the-point and really gets to the heart of who these women are.


fauxkaren September 10 2011, 09:25:00 UTC
Catelyn is one of the most human characters in the entire series which is why I love her. She's just so believable and real which means she isn't perfect, but that doesn't make her a bad person. She does a lot of other pretty great things and has a lot of really admirable characteristics. I love that I can completely understand why she feels the way that she does and why she acts the way that she does, even if I can objectively say that she is in the wrong.

I'm glad you enjoyed my tl;dr thoughts!


unnecessary_ September 10 2011, 20:28:49 UTC
Because I am not familiar with the other women, I only read your Catelyn portion. I like that you wrote this. Her treatment of Jon, in my opinion, is her only flaw. So far in the remainder of what I've read and seen of her, she is a fantastic woman with so much to enjoy about her. I feel like her thoughts/feelings about Jon are the one thing that makes her more, as you said, human. And therefore while I cannot respect or understand why she does it - there is no excuse in my eyes - I can look past it and still appreciate her as a character because it is not the only thing about her.


fauxkaren September 11 2011, 00:00:06 UTC
I think it's hard for some people to get over Cat's treatment of Jon because while it is pretty much her only flaw, it's also one of the first things we learn about her, so I think that people tend to have a hard time getting over that first impression.


unnecessary_ September 11 2011, 00:07:06 UTC
Very true! And what a terrible first impression it makes!


spellweaver731 September 10 2011, 23:29:18 UTC
So much love for your post about Rose. I too found myself relating to her so much, even though we had vastly different backgrounds. I once saw a post of a person who said something along the lines of "I just can't respect someone like Rose who never finished school and comes from such a bad background, and I can't believe the Doctor would either." It made me so angry I had to leave the internet for a little while. It is because of where she comes from and where she ends up that makes me love Rose so much.


fauxkaren September 10 2011, 23:58:52 UTC
Rose is such a well-developed character that she has things about her that people can relate to, no matter what their actual background. There's a lot about her that is universal and not specific to a certain situation. I come from such a completely different situation than Rose, but I get her and understand where she is coming from.

Also the person who can't like Rose because of her background sounds like a classist idiot. Ugh. I cannot with people like that.


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