Spirit desire. We. will. fall.

Apr 05, 2007 00:51

No one ever updates on lj anymore! Well, I'm going to be a non-conformist. Yes, all you people who still check it in hopes someone updates and maybe for a blogthings quiz...here is something to read.
Okay, not something interesting.
Is my life here interesting?
I dont know. I;m just going with the flow and pretending school isn't ending in three weeks. Oh the boredom that lies ahead. And I'll miss it here. I really will. I'll miss being somewhere that I can walk to stores and restaurants. I'll miss living in a dorm. I'll miss people. I mean, how much time have I really known these people? Such fixtures in my life here, but I've known them for...how long? Three months maybe for most of them? See, I do this. That thing were I freak out and question my relationships with people. I dont think there have really been any obsticles yet to overcome. Well, apart from maybe the diagram made for the purpose of displaying to me how I cause conflict and tear people apart, but I dont really care so much about that. I mean, if I'm good friends with these people and I hang out with these people all of the time, do I really need to be in "the group" by name in order to validate our friendships?
Was that enough angsty lj-ness? Really, I'm more secure then all of that comes out to be, but I feel like for lj I need to express those damn momentary anxieties.
Oh, and everyone should see the documentary Imaginary Children...it's so intense and informative and wow. Yeah..."wow" is an adjective now.
This week is pride week and jesus week. It's also snowing in April. Coincidence?
Suggested listening material: Sonic Youth, TV on the Radio, The Stooges, Wolf Parade
Just a thought: Okay, I dont know how many people still read this at all, so if everyone who reads this can reply with one word to describe their life as it is now. Think abstract.
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