Apr 17, 2008 23:24
i got so used to having no tv to watch that i missed the first 10 minutes of the office! i'm going to have to go find it somewhere...
first off, i'm completely over jim's hair. it's so fake and messy and ugh. do something with it. i'm ready for him to get a new do.
and although i'm totally jam and actually read jam fanfic and all that shiz, i was a little meh about tonight. don't get me wrong--i'm all about a jam wedding...but just not yet. i honestly think it's too soon. and the fact that jim got the ring the week after they first started dating? i don't know how i feel about that. it's just...sort of presumptuous and overly enthusiastic and hello, karen? i mean, i never liked her to begin with but come on. i don't know, perhaps tomorrow i'll be all aww and squee!! about the whole thing, but right now i'm feeling a bit cynical.
that being said, i totally gasped when he went down on one knee and felt really really stupid when he tied his shoe. and then i laughed out loud. i thought that was good. i can imagine the fun the writers had with this ep.
i was rather ambivalent towards today's ep. i'll probably go read some recaps/forum comments and then become more emotionally attached one way or another--odd how that seems to work--but overall i give it a 3 out of 5.