the office

May 10, 2007 21:49

wow. just, wow. i totally thought pam was going to say something innocuous, but she spoke her mind. she finally got the courage, and i love her for it. love her! she looked so cute with her pony tail and halter bikini (which we never got to see! so, toby, i feel your pain).

jim? not loving him so much in this ep. he was hilarious in the sumo suit, but he just didn't seem like the nice guy from season 2. i feel that karen brings out the bad in him. that whole scene where they're talking to the cfo about the job--that just didn't make any sense to me. does he really want the job? why are they both asking to be considered for the job? wouldn't that make them compete? and isn't karen not as good at the job, so why should she even be considered? she doesn't have a title or anything. and if one got the job, they'd be separated. so wtf? that whole thing just tasted off. and jim's comment about interviewing for the job--that seemed just petty on his part. michael didn't seem amused, and that's understandable, esp. if jim asked to be considered. and at first i thought jim looked like he was about to cry when pam made her speech (i can't believe she said that she broke up her wedding for him! i mean, we all knew it but i can't believe she actually said it!). but then he just had this look of shock. i wonder what they told him to convey. and karen's face said absolutely nothing. karen, or rather rashida, just doesn't do it for me. she's not a good actress, so her delivery and her facial expressions sort of annoy me. i think part of the problem is that her character isn't so developed, but a majority of the problem is that she's just not particularly good. when you're surrounded by the expressive and distinct personalities in that cast, a mediocre actor is glaringly obvious. and that's what rashida is. mediocre. and her character just has no personality. there's nothing that distinguishes here like the other characters.

okay, didn't mean to go off on karen.

creed was hilarious in this ep! i burst out laughing (and woke up my baby sleeping in my arms) when he plunged his arm into the lake and pulled out that fish. so perfectly creed.

and andy floating away, with angela deliberately misunderstanding him...just great.

i thought this was a great great episode, even before the pam speech. but the end? whew. that just knocked it out of the park.

i am determined to stay spoiler-free for the season finale. i just hope there's some kick-ass fanfic to keep me occupied in the meantime. anyone have any recommendations?
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