May 01, 2003 11:45
im glad i didnt skip today, sometimes its just better to go and just have fun afterwards or something. i cant believe the weeks almost over, i cant wait to just relax. i hope my mom will let me go to bonaroo, that would be so amaizing :). im so tired, ill get home, read and then sleep and then wake up late and do work then, i dont mind homework that much, it doesnt take that long and just isnt that much of a bother to me. lunch was fun, it has been lately. do you ever just wanna hug someone you barely know? i love hugging random people. i wish i was at am amusenment park right now , theyre so damn fun. dancing around and singign in the shower are much fun too.i just started this book of shorts stories by hemingwey and its sooo damn good, im gonna go read now, i need to relax and just shmeh.