Jul 26, 2010 16:23

FIRST: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
SECOND: Tag eight people. And if you're not tagged and you want to do it, then do!

Favourite song right now?

Lion Heart THSK version. It's one of those performances that I could listen to on repeat and just feel very relaxed. Even when I'm not paying attention to the lyrics, my heart aches a bit when I listen to them sing this.

image Click to view

Last single/album you bought/downloaded?

The Love in Siam OST.  Really beautiful.  There's something soothing about Thai.

Last movie you watched? Did you like it?

Kurosagi.  Meh.  It was so so.  But I still think it was worth it for this:

Two things that are super-annoying at the moment?

How "newsworthy" articles are all about who has a hot body.

My terrible two year old niece that I watch every day.

Two items closest to you:

Right now?  A dark chocolate mini bar and an empty water bottle.  Nothing exciting.

Your favorite J-DORAMA:

Nobuta wo Produce
Bloody Monday season 1 (I haven't really gotten to season 2 but from what I've read, it's disappointing)
GTO (It was what first got me into j-dramas.  And Sorimachi Takashi.  I find it crazy that Oguri Shun was that little boy that got bullied.)

Things you're excited for next year:

Graduating from college?  Maybe.  Hopefully.

Finishing a novel or maybe even two.

Your favorite ice cream flavor?

mint chocolate chip

Dramas you're watching right now?

I started Baker King last night and skipped to episode 7 or 8. Super dramatic but my jaw keeps dropping every time I see Joo Won who plays the second lead as Ma Jun (which totally red flagged as MatsuJun  XDDD).  He reminds me of Kang Dong Won, one of my favorite actors period.  Kang Dong Won is smooth, beautiful and smart.  I love that guy.  So every time I see Joo Won, I feel mesmerized.  It's one thing to look like Kang Dong Won but it's a completely different thing to have an aura similar to Kang Dong Won's.

Favorite color:

I never really had a favorite color but I think it must be green.  I like wearing green shirts.

If you could rescue any animal what would it be and would you keep it?

I'm really bad with animals.  I want to say that I would rescue a dolphin but I'm a weak swimmer.  lol

Worst drama you've ever seen?

PuriPuriD was pretty bad but so bad that it made me laugh.  What else?  I stand by my words.  Boys over Flowers (Korean version) was one of the worst dramas I've ever seen.  The editing made me want to slap someone because it was just so bad.  I never finished it because I was so frustrated with it.  Yeah Lee Minho might have the makings of a star but one person's performance shouldn't make up for everything else.

Best way to relax?

Reading.  I love to read.  My dream is to write something that people want to read.

Are there any bits of childhood that you miss?

How simple life was back then.  There were no worries about grades or about money.  I used to play tag with my siblings and our dog on haystacks.  That was fun.

Your current desktop?

My adorable nephew Max.  He's a mellow fellow.  I love him.

Say something to the person who tagged you:

Thanks for tagging me xmaimonx!!!  And thank you so much for updating us on Yuma!

Your plan for this summer?

Translate Takada Sho stuff and study Japanese.  Also finish a draft for my novel by the time school starts in fall.

Favorite j-actress?

Ueno Juri.  She's just fantastic in everything I see her in.

What's really scary?

Ghosts.  I've seen one before.  Even though it was a harmless ghost, I was so scared.  I can't stand scary movies because I know ghosts are real and I feel like by watching a scary movie, it's just tempting real ghosts to mess with you.

I know not many people read this blog so I'm...not going to tag yet.  :(   I'm a rule breaker.

I need to make more friends first!


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