PORK magazine and cultural appropriation

Jul 19, 2011 12:55

The other day I was on tumblr and came across PORK's newest photos from a Wild West editorial. I must say I was quite disheartened and was not alone in this feeling, since, as I looked at the commentary it was apparent that many other people of color were upset as well.

These are some of the images, but if you click here it takes you to the rest of them.

I wrote a couple of things on tumblr about these photos, but the more I thought about them, the more heated I got. I thought about writing a letter to PORK, but then I came across their "about me" section and their twitter.

From their twitter.

And from their homepage:

After reading all of that, I felt like even if I were to send out a letter, i would be ignored, told I was being "too sensitive" or that I "just don't get it." But I think I do get it and even if a person of color -- a Native American person at that -- was involved in this photo shoot(I am not assuming anyone's race or ethnicity in the photo shoot), it still doesn't make it any less culturally appropriative. These pictures look mocking, not appreciative or "ironic." And to be quite honest, most of the time I've seen "ironic" humor it's offensive. These costumes strip away any meaning and devalue Native American customs and traditions and dress.

I can only speak for myself, but I feel as though when white dominated fat spaces do/write/say culturally appropriative things and do not apologize or try to make right their wrong, it alienates fat people of color. In doing so, the fat acceptance movement suffers. This is why fat colored people need to be showcased more and involved more and included in white fat acceptance spaces. Not make our own off to the side, but integrated into white fat spaces.

Where are all of the white fat activists at in calling this type of behavior out? Solidarity is needed within the fat movement.

What I would like to say to PORK is that you ask what have I done for you lately? How about I've been an ally, a supporter, a fan. Please don’t tell us to get over it or justify this kind of behavior. Say you’re sorry, admit you were wrong, and take down the pictures. That’s how we can remain allies. Once again, I only speak for myself, but I’m betting other people of color would like this as well.

what the hell?, race/ism, disgust, appropriation, rants, politics

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