Fat experience at Cedar Point

Nov 12, 2010 12:47

Hey fats!

Yesterday, I went to Cedar Point with my boyfriend and our friend, S. A couple months ago, we all gave blood, and got free passes, so we finally got to go!

I was curious about how I'd fit into rides and such, since the last time I went to CP, about five years ago, I was a size or two smaller, around an 18, and I was just barely fitting into some of the rides then. I'm a solid 22/24 or 3x now.

Unfortunately, I no longer fit into my favorite ride, the Raptor. For many of the 'newer' rides, they have sample seats outside the entrance you can try before you get in line. Millennium Force was already closed for the season, but I probably would not have fit into that one either.

However, many of the older coasters were able to accommodate my size. I rode the Magnum, Gemini, and Corkscrew with S, who is also fat (I'd guess around 18/20, but I've never asked what her size is) and while we were a little squished in, we were able to ride those coasters safely.

Many of the spinny rides were also perfectly comfortable, since they have bench seating, so if you like those, you'll be good to go.

We didn't stay very long, since it started raining once it got dark, but for a free trip, we still had a lot of fun. Hopefully this will help other folks thinking of going!

I love Cedar Point!
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