Seeking new radio station...

May 12, 2009 18:05

I have listened to for a few years now while I'm at work, and have of late noticed a disturbing trend of fat-hating on the rise...

Dear Mr. Peacock,

I have been a long-time listener of Vibe, but will no longer be tuning in as of today.

I thought I would offer you an explanation as to why, in the hope that you will think twice in future about who you might be hurting with insensitive ads and rude remarks before turning your staff loose to make them on air.

I am deeply offended by your ad for the upcoming "Underwear Affair" event for the Alberta Cancer Foundation. To ridicule someone for their "man boobs" when they are donating their time and energy to walk or run for charity is totally unacceptable; infantile at best and cruel at worst. I realise that there is no real person being demeaned in the ad, but the sentiment remains loud and clear: it is alright to abuse people, regardless of what good selfless things they are doing, based on their appearance. You may well have cost the Cancer Foundation donations with your attitude; I personally would think twice about participating knowing that there are people like you and your colleagues waiting to make fun of my body while I try to raise some money to support cancer research. I'm pretty sure that a dollar is a dollar for the Cancer Foundation, whether it's pledged to a runner who is a lingerie model, or someone who weighs 200 pounds and has man boobs. Show a little respect for the effort of these selfless people -- ALL of them.

The breaking point for me was the nasty post in Dani Rohs' blog this morning. I was unable to find a way to contact Ms. Rohs directly, so I would be greatful if you could pass this e-mail along to her.

Kelly Clarkson's weight gain is NOT news. I shook my head in disgust when I saw the photos posted with comments like "she doesn't even look like herself" alongside. God forbid a woman be judged for her merits alone, without her talents, heart, mind and soul being overshadowed by peoples' shallow remarks about what her body "should" look like. It is Kelly's body to do with what she likes, and if she wants to eat a real meal or skip a day at the gym, she's entirely within her rights as an autonomous adult to do so. Thank you ever so much for perpetuating the misogynistic idea that the only thing worth doing if you're a woman is to be thin and young and beautiful. This is thoughtless, lazy journalism and I was embarrassed just reading it.

It is my sincere hope that you will stop promoting body-hatred (and fat-hatred in particular) in your broadcasts, but until you do, I will be finding myself a new radio station.


It makes me extra-angry when women post/say anti-woman stuff.

Also, I am at a loss. If fat people are fat because we don't exercise enough, and it is NOT OKAY to appear running/exercising where the fragile general public will see us, what is the other option? Am I missing something, here?

On that note... can anyone recommend a new radio station?

fat girl speaks, dealing with rude people

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