
Jul 09, 2008 08:08

I hate it.

With a passion.

Eight letters that make my blood boil, my face red, and my adrenaline level increase.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about Merriam Webster's definition of:

1 a: anything or everything that "take whatever you want" b: no matter what "whatever he says, they won't believe him" c: whatnot "enjoys skiing, hiking, or whatever"
2: what 1a(1) -used to express astonishment or perplexity "whatever do you mean by that"

I am talking about the word certain people use to dismiss someone,

The word that says, "I don't care".

The word that says, "I don't consider You and/or what you have to say as being important."

I'm talking about the word pronounced "What-EVAH!" or "WHATEVRRRRR!"

Every time I hear someone say the word with that negative accompanying tone, I don't hear "whatever", I hear


"Whatever" is the new "DUH!"

How many more words are we going to come up with, or twist, to show disrespect or disdain to one another?

Whatever, my ass! I am here, my words are relevant, and I will not be dismissed!


deep thoughts, a, t

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