the goose rallies the troops;

Jan 31, 2008 17:07

[OOC: Nicci has unfortunately been dropped, and while I figure out a replacement Assistant, Anser's taking up the 'Free Devin' campaign. Begrudgingly]

[Private to Soo Min and Charlie]

Listen up, super sleuths: the Atheneum has need of your abilities. As I'm sure you've noticed, one of our more illustrious members is under lockup on suspicions of murder, and we need to know if she's guilty or not before we decide how much resources to allocate into dealing with her.

Work together or in direct competition, I don't care. Whoever brings me decisive evidence one way or another gets a cookie. And standard fees.

[Private to Cops]

Fall in, troops. The Atheneum is trying to decide how to best deal with the Kuhl situation, and any insight regarding the status of the case would be appreciated. Unsurprisingly, she's claiming innocence and we've got some of the freelancers working on investigating the claim. We might need to find a way to slow her case down while we look into things.

[Private to Rowanne]

Are you taking the Kuhl case?

Mazel tov on the nupitals, by the way. I'm sure you'll have very functional children.
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