(no subject)

Nov 30, 2009 22:32

Well it's still a while in between posts huh?
Guess I just need to vent about life at the moment.
So the day before ThanksGiving... I am on my way to work when I get
a phone call from my sister.. "We think mom is having a stroke.. she is on
her way to the hospital now." Oh my god... I pulled the car around called work told
them that I wouldn't be there and headed back to the apartment to get Nina then headed
up to Alma to be with her.
Right now this is the hardest thing that I have had to cope with. I keep thinking in my
head.. "What if I don't get my mom back?" Her body skills are very strong but her speech/thinking/writing is what's been affected. She has started therapy and we have spent the day going over flash cards with her.

I'm not sure how to really cope with it all. I keep it mostly to myself and try to
be completely strong when infront of people but I am so destroyed inside. I wish I knew how my brother and sister are feeling.. my brother is constantly making jokes and my sister.. well is my sister..just being herself. I'm just a little more quiet than usual..watching-listening.... I really just don't know what to do at the moment... I am feeling guilty because mom and I had had 2 fights prior to all of this.. I know that it doesn't medically have anything to do with what happened... but what if... we are given all the medical reasons...but "What If.." *sigh* I don't know. I just want to sit and have a really good cry... but can't.
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