just wanted to give you guys a quick update

Sep 07, 2004 10:56

so...yesterday was a crazy day, but it was fun. i got up in the morning and wrote a couple of really, really long emails (one to my uncle in maryland and the other to susi) and then i started to work on some homework that had been piling up. i finished answering my questions for foundations of buddhism that are due today and then i worked on my group facilitation project for the sangha house class (i have to lead an activity for the group on wednesday night during the community meeting). after all that i was really exhausted and didn't feel like i could concentrate at all, so i wandered upstairs to find some distractions. i talked to katie and then felt bad because she was working on the reading for our seminar class and i hadn't even started it yet. so, after a few minutes i trudged back downstairs to my room, determined to read the 130 assigned pages of the Invisible Man. needless to say, as soon as i sat down with the book in my hand i heard a knock on my door.  it was hadley-- inviting me to go out to lunch with her, so of course, i accepted. i walked down to pearl with her and marlon and ted and we roamed around for awhile and then got food and ate outside. it was great-- having time to just space out and talk a little. then we walked to wild oats and bought some food before heading back home to sangha. got back a little after 6. so i started right back in on the homework, fell asleep, stained my comforter with green highlighter and had a crazy, crazy dream. ask me about it sometime. then i went upstairs shared my dream with a couple people until i felt better and then katie and i made our way to leanne's room where we spent the next couple of hours talking and looking at pictures and watching leanne build a really cool quote wall. katie was in and out and then nathan came and it was fun-- we swapped stories and jokes and quotes and talked about random things as nathan carved "interesting" shapes out of the carrots he was eating...then i went back to my room with leanne and we shared milk and cookies (okay, well not really. more like vanilla rice milk and dairy-free, egg-free, fruit juice-sweetened cookies, but they were really good) and raspberries. then i headed back upstairs to the community room and watched the end of Love Actually with a bunch of people, had some random conversations in the kitchen afterwards, and then i headed back down to my room, wrote a couple of emails and made it to bed around 2 a.m.

it was a good day, though.  a really good day.
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