an update long overdue

Sep 03, 2004 10:06

hi everyone! i'm sorry that i haven't written in so long but stuff has been really insane here. i still need to find a job (so i can pay tuition next semester) but at times i'm feeling so overwhelmed that i can't possibly see how that could work. oh yeah, and right now, i'm sick. some sore throat, sinus, virus-thingie has been going around sangha house and it's miserable. i went out yesterday after class and bought some echinacea (to help boost my immune system), so that should help, but i'm also not getting anywhere near enough sleep. hopefully i'll be over this thing by tuesday though. no classes monday! that's nice, but it just makes it a big homework day-- at least i don't have to sit in stuffy classrooms though. and guess what? 6 days till my 18th birthday!!!!!! so that's pretty cool. still really interested to see what everyone here is gonna do for that. so in-between all this paper writing and reading and brushstroke practicing, we actually find time to have some really great conversations and stuff. there's a girl here who's really into astrology (just as much as i'm into tarot) and she read my chart for me the other day-- which was super nice of her cause i interrupted her when she was attempting to get her psych. hw done-- that was a pretty neat experience. it's crazy how accurately my chart describes me, but also how much i can learn about myself and my interactions with other people through it. oh-- jessi, i finally finished that book from the day at the beach. so when i get a chance i'll ship it to you! and i'm working on writing all of you letters, so don't think i forgot about you even if i don't have time to talk on the phone as often as i'd like. it's really hard with a sore throat too, so gimme a couple of days.  so yeah, as i said in my email, there's endless amounts of stories and such. if you wanna know about anything send me an email and i'll get back to you yesterday was interesting. i had like 10 or 15 people come up to me throughout the day and just give me hugs because "i look like someone who gives good hugs." it made me so happy and i smiled so many times because of that. people can be great...i miss your hugs, though.

i love you guys so much and seriously, i can't believe how much i'm missing you.
here's what i miss the most:
the way you were both there for me, whenever i needed anything, and i didn't even have to ask-- you just knew
our long phone conversations sandwiched between the endless hours we spent together
doing each other's hair: yes, that includes hairdye, but also straightening, curling, and deciding on the best haircuts
staying in random hotels together and going swimming after we worked out in the morning
making a mess of my kitchen and having all the old people swear at me at the grocery store cause we wanted a dinner that tasted good, but was cheaper than eating out
smores at 3 a.m.
random, non-challant sleepovers that just happened.
being able to finish each other's sentences, all the time
knowing so much about each other's lives that we could carry on conversations about people we hadn't even met-- though it felt like it
the phone calls i got when i was unexpectedly home sick, or in some cases, home with an allergic reaction to a mango...
our various inside jokes that still make me giggle
our last sleepover together and the amazing trip to the beach....(the pictures are up all over my room here)
taking pictures for randomness and then figuring out some way to make them pretty in scrapbooks
lunch at flattop grill...and dipping that bread in the chocolate sauce of our free dessert
the hugs
crying on each other's shoulders
complaining about random things and then knowing that it would all be okay cause we could always hug each other and then get coffee
coffee mondays (how many actual mondays was that? one, i think. but i loved 'em anyway)
crazy shopping trips all over the place, like to all the old navys, the malls, or even to gap outlet. (returns where we got to keep the money)
sitting in my basement with my angel board and pendulums and freaking out cause my ceiling was thumping
getting lost 1,001 times in a weekend in oakbrook
knowing that when i cried, you guys cried. when i was happy, you were happy too.
going who-knows-where in the car, listening to country music with the windows down, and all of us singing along together!
showing crazy music videos that we made because we love each other so much
going on walks to the cemetery during vocal jazz night and then getting so scared cause this cat was following me
having the comfort that you guys would help me through any situation, whether i needed you to listen, talk, get me out of my house, or bring me caffeine...
just being together and knowing that if we weren't-- we were all willing to drop whatever we were doing so we could be together

i think i need to stop writing now that the tears are coming-- but know that i love you!
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