every second i'm without you i'm a mess
jasper/aro. jasper/jane. pg. 221.
But he doesn't want his memories to be open like a book (that's his job) for this soul-stealing ancient to read at his leisure.
written for the
uncanon drabble request meme.
Brittle fingers lurch closer to the skin exposed at his wrist. He darts away, faster than a human can see (but he's past caring about them, they left his mind when he last fed) and Aro smiles gleefully.
"Such a brilliant game!" he announces. "But I'll catch you in the end."
Jasper doubts it. The old vampire's reflexes are rusting and broken, Jasper's scars tingling at the feeling of Aro's hidden frustration.
But he doesn't want his memories to be open like a book (that's his job) for this soul-stealing ancient to read at his leisure. He got enough of that back in Washington. His regrets are his to be guilty over -- his alone.
He stares at Jane's back, the curve of her neck pronounced with her hair pinned up. He wants to run a hand along that neck, just a hand. Just for a moment.
Faster than he thought the vampire was capable of, Aro is in front of him lips cold hard forceful against his. A second (an hour) passes and the white hair swings around his face when Aro smiles.
"That was wonderful," he says, giddy. "You're deeper than I thought."
Jasper glares, sending waves of anger through the air, just to wipe the smirk off his face.