holiday songs
“Fire fighters next year!”
pushing daisies. mini!chuck + mini!ned.
general; 310 words, g.
The plastic head loops over her eyes; she wrinkles her nose as she tries to push the horns back up, Ned stopping to grin sheepishly as he watches her struggle even more to fix her Halloween costume.
“Once around the block,” she sings.
All in good nature, she loves Halloween.
“And then twice,” Ned adds.
He’s too shy and she’s all about personal missions, just like Daddy said to her Aunts, and Ned being Ned and Ned as her best friend, she likes to go and make him laugh. People need to laugh more, Chuck’s convinced. It’s better for everybody. Healthier, as said by her brand new book.
She grins at him. “Fire fighters next year!”
And Ned blushes with her nudge because he does the sound perfectly and she likes when he does the sound, the sirens wailing aimlessly through the streets. He murmurs Chuck instead and she giggles, swinging her bucket of candy up and down and round and round. She giggles again with the wave of dizziness, tipping her eyes down the other road, to the houses that they’ve already covered. Maybe they should switch costumes, she thinks, for an emergency round as there’s nothing wrong with being well-stocked.
Daddy’s not far behind them, though, watching them in amusement. Chuck wants to be the big girl this year with Ned, walking around the other kids and their parents just so they can see that she can do this better than all of them
“I’ll need a hose,” Ned blushes again, finally speaking up as they move down the stretch of their sixth house, left side, and “Mom broke ours badly.”
She shakes her head, taking his hand and lacing their fingers together. She flashes a grin and Daddy’s laughing oh Chuck as she leans forward, close to Ned’s cheek.
“We’ll share mine.” It’s as easy as that.