Turn around and walk away

Nov 27, 2012 19:58

Title: Turn around and walk away.
Author: fate_incomplete
Rating: Soft R
Warnings: Angst
Spoilers: Set sometime after The Angels Take Manhatten
Characters: Eleven/Jack Harkness
Word Count: 1,780

A/N: A sequel to Bound by these lies. Posted for, and at the insistence of a_phoenixdragon. There you go hun, now you don't have to hunt me down *hugs*

Summary: The Jack who had just ( Read more... )

bowties are cool, fic, omnisexual time traveller, oh glorious angst, doctor who: love of the impossible, paradox wrapped in a coat, hyper sexy eleven

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Comments 5

a_phoenixdragon November 27 2012, 14:15:32 UTC
So, so gorgeous!! Reads even better the second time around! OMG, woman...angst and sexy and tension and beauty -

Don't know why you wanted to sit on this one, but I'm so, SO glad you posted! GORGEOUS...



fate_incomplete November 27 2012, 21:24:38 UTC
Thanks hun. It wasn't quite what I thought the sequel would be, but I'm glad you enjoyed it.



anonymous November 27 2012, 20:55:09 UTC
I liked it up until you went all homosexual with it. That ruins the Doctor.


navaan November 28 2012, 13:12:34 UTC
This was really wonderful! I loved their conversation. It felt very real to me. Well done!


fate_incomplete November 28 2012, 13:17:30 UTC
Thank you so much. Glad you enjoyed it.


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