Title: Aeternus Eternus (Memories of you and me)...
gikunRating: NC17
Characters: Dean/Cas, Sam, Bobby, Death, God!Chuck, Balthazar
Spoilers: Set between 6.20 and 6.22
Warnings: Angst, with a rather angsty ending depending on how you take it.
Word Count: 21,300
Summary: Shortly after the confrontation with Castiel in 6.20, Dean and Castiel are attacked by Raphael. As Castiel tries to fly them to safety he is injured, and they end up thrown back into the past instead, where thanks to some interference by Chuck!God and Death, they end up ensuring that the events at Stull cemetery happen the way they remember. Whatever drew Dean and Cas back to the past, gives them the time to rediscover their connection, and allows Dean to realise some things shouldn't be changed, no matter how much it may tear him apart...Will their time hopping interlude be enough to make a difference when it really counts, when trust, love and sacrifice binds them together to the very end.
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3Part 4 |
Part 5 |
Art Masterpost Notes: A couple of thank you's...to
shadowrose81 for reading through this and offering some very helpful advice and editing.
pyjamagurl for being her always awesome self and a wonderful beta. You have no idea how much I love and appreciate all your help with my fics and your friendship in general. You're awesome hun! To my incredible artist
gikun I am completely humbled that you chose my fic, and your artwork, as always, is simply stunning. Seriously go check it out, she put so much work into it and the pieces are beautiful, honestly words can't express how amazing they are. It was wonderful working with you hun!
gikun has also put together a PDF of the fic and art which can be downloaded
HERE... Please leave a comment on the art and fic masterposts if you download.
EDIT: I have uploaded the PDF to another site after mega upload was shut down, the link should now go to the new download site.