SPN 6.17...

Apr 16, 2011 20:59

hey an epsiode I really liked. I wasn't all that jazzed about the return as most of the season has been dissappointing, but I actually liked this episode...if for no other reason than 'that line'....

I love Dean's expression...he's all, obviously he loves me...

I love that Cas goes to such lengths to save his lover friends...though its a little sad and worrisome what he is having to do to fight the war. We finally got more than just a token appearacne by Cas...I really hope we get to see more of what is going on with him. And hey looks like Cas finally learnt how to lie..Dean would be so proud...perhaps he should have stipulated 'don't lie to me'...oh and I loved the tempting fate little jaunt down the street.

Bobby/Ellen FTW!

Also got this link from 888mph but its such a lolzly accurate ep summary that I'm linking it here as well... here

An episode I actually want to watch again...and if I'm right next week is the western one?? So can't wait to see what they do with that.

dean "i think i'm adorable" winchester, spn owns my soul, omfg squee, dean/cas have corrupted me, cas has phone issues he'll call you back

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