1 year on LJ...

Apr 15, 2011 12:54

Hey look at that...I've been on LJ for a year, well yesterday technically, but I missed it, I did post fic yesterday though, so that counts as a celabratory 12month anniversary post of sorts...

Anyway...what was I doing 12 months ago without the wonderful escape from reality that is LJ??? I have no idea, but it can't have been much given the innordinate amount of time I now spend on here.

Random spam of those two wonderfully irratable and stubborn charcters that bought me here in the first place...

hmm my mood theme needs updating, I have had it for almost 12 months afterall. Don't suppose anyone knows how to go about creating gifs so I can do my own??? I'd love to do my own as I don't use half the moods as I don't like the animations in my current theme, it has a few anna ones in there that I don't like too. It needs more dean/cas...I may have to go a googling to find out how to do gifs...cause you know, I have so much time on my hands that creating 125 mood gifs is just the thing I need *facepalm* who needs real life anyway, why waste time working and sleeping when there is fic to be written and gifs to be made of dean/cas...

spn owns my soul, warning: pointlessness ahead, dean/cas have corrupted me, kim is being random, picspamage

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