Earthbound (Without these wings I learned to fly...) Masterlist

Oct 25, 2010 13:30

Title: Earthbound (Without these wings I learned to fly...)
Author: fate_incomplete
Character(s): Dean & Castiel (gen or preslash if you prefer) brief mention of Dean/Lisa, Bobby
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~22,000
Warnings: None, just the usual Winchester angst

A/N: Written for the deancasbigbang Huge thanks to my Beta pyjamagurl for all her help even while she was finishing off her own bigbang fic. Also thanks to demonic_fish and cleverlilwill for their sugestions and encouragement early on. And of course a big thanks to amechiro for her wonderful artwork.

Artist: amechiro
Art link: Art Masterlist

Summary: Post 5.22 AU where Castiel doesn't get his powers back after the show down with Lucifer...

What place does an angel without his powers have in a world that no longer looks like it will end in flames? With the apocalypse over, Castiel finds himself no longer needed. Sam is in the pit, Dean has gone off to try and keep his promise to his brother though he soon feels it’s not the life he wants, and Castiel finds himself sitting across the table from Bobby, with no clue as to what to do next. Castiel thought he had given everything for Dean, yet he realises he will continue to protect him, even if it means sacrificing everything he has left. Struggling to come to terms with his emotions, and seeking purpose again, Castiel does the only thing that seems logical…he hunts.

| PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | Epilogue |


omfg another fic challange, dean "i think i'm adorable" winchester, spn owns my soul, dean/cas have corrupted me, fic, cas has phone issues he'll call you back

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