
Nov 09, 2009 11:43

From Loire...

1) We both have such pathetic social lives these days, Wolf. When are we going to see eachother again?

I don't know. We should deinitely work on the social life thing, though. We should just drop by each other's housese sometime, I suppose. My luck, of course, you wouldn't be there when I stopped by or I wouldn't be there when you stopped by. Though I suppose you can kind of tell when I'm home, can't you? If you were trying to check, anyways...

2) Why do you think that you'll be such a bad influence on Paul?

I don't think I'm a particularly good influence for anyone. Adults, at least, have some protection against that sort of thing, but children don't. I don't know... I'd hate to bring darkness into the life of any child. Children's lives should be filled as much as possible with good experiences.

3) What's the thing you think you missed out on the most, not being able to be a proper kid?

Foundations. I think that I lost the foundations upon which most people lean on when they face the world. I think other people are more willing to trust and more willing to forgive. It's true that you can do both of those too much, but I suspect in some sense that I do them too little. I have learned to trust some, but I don't feel like I trust in a way that is normal. Or, at least, I approach it differently. It's difficult to explain, I think. And that difficulty might be because I still find it hard to relate sometimes. I don't know... You know how most people have that time in their life when they felt completely and utterly safe? I think that gives them a sort of comfort when things aren't so great. But me? I can't remember that time. I don't really know what it's like.

4) Admit it- you thought about dating Magus, didn't you?

I didn't think about it. When others brought it up, I dismissed it immediately. It doesn't matter who it is. I couldn't date anyone.

5) What's the closest you've ever come to killing somebody you knew you weren't supposed to kill?

At this point, I don't particularly think one human being has the right to kill another. That said, I don't instinctively jump to spells that immobilize without doing harm. I think it's because I was trained to see an enemy that was physically injured as one less enemy who could get up and try again. 1) it makes them think twice and 2) healing takes more time than removing stupify or something like that. But they're more likely to die that way, I think. It's more risky. And I've taken that risk more times than I would like to admit. Diplomatically, I'll say that I've come within seconds of killing someone I shouldn't have. I'm not the safest person...
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