Meme thing, even though Wolf isn't here...

Nov 05, 2009 09:35

1 - Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 - I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 - You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 - You'll include this explanation.
5 - You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.

These are from Delphia

1. What was your childhood like?

Short. I basically consider it to have ended around age seven. Before that, I assume it was fairly normal, but to be honest, I can no longer remember that part of my life. I don't remember what it was like to be a normal kid, if I ever was one. I was treated well enough, though I was always studying, I think. I was fairly proficient in magic from very young. But yeah... I can't remember much of the good times.

Age seven was when I started my training. Combat, both with magic and without. I learned a lot about controlling my body and I was pushed very hard. I still push very hard. I studied more magic too, but there was a lot of other stuff. I just remember always working and always being tired. I was going to muggle school too. It was a tough time, but not a bad one. I had to hide everything from the muggle school, as well. But such is life.

Training was... two years... about that. Then my mentor was murdered. I was kidnapped. Lot's of horrible things from there. There was no childhood after that. Just lot's of darkness.

2. You have a lot of friends, but then you seem a little... like me, in some ways. You seem to like solitude and rather serious. But then you're not all the time. How did you become friends with all those people?

I had one good friend prior to Hogwarts, and I hurt them very badly. I almost gave up on it after that, but I went to Hogwarts and one of the professors pulled me aside and seemed to know something of what happened. I basically got the impression that they were worried and were going to watch me, which I thought would interfere with my plans.

So I decided that I would fake being normal. I got caught up with a few people who liked to harass the teachers a bit and pulled some pranks. For me, this was a good way to draw attention away from whatever else I was doing. They would see it as acting out, and I would get away with what I needed to.

As for friends, I was going to just kind of fake that too, but somehow I made friends inspite of myself. It's a weakness of mine. I never learned to walk away from people for their own good, even though I thought it was the best idea.

3. How do you deal with the past? With your past, I mean? It seems so full of horror.

"Full of horror" may be a good way of putting it. I've found the best way to deal with it is to accept it. I cannot change the past. I cannot change what I've done or what anyone else has done to me. I have a lot of trouble moving on. A lot of trouble trusting and forgiving everyone (including myself). I still do not talk to my parents. I have many regrets. I just try to move on with things. I'm not very successful. I tend to just work a lot and train a lot so I don't have to think about it.

Maybe you should talk to Magus about this? Or Koga. They are about a hundred times more successful at dealing with the past than I am. I have too much of a tendency to self-destruct to be giving good advice about this.

4. This might be an awfully personal question - I know it is, in fact - but like I said before, in some ways you are like me. A little. Why don't you have anybody- someone you love? I mean, a 'significant other'.

I'm not made of the right things for relationships of that sort. I work too much. I tend towards self-destruction. I rely on healing more than most people and I'm never totally healed. Plus... all the baggage. I don't know... for me, it's enough to put some of that burden on my friends (though I try very hard never to do that). But you can't do that in a relationship. Any relationship I'd be in would be unfair. It's not the same with everybody, but for me, that's how it works. I can't put that on anyone. Like I said, I'm too self-destructive. Why subject anyone else to that sort of thing?

5. Do you think we will live long, you and I?

I think we'll live as long as we want to live. As long as we can stand to live. I didn't think I'd live long, once. But I've already lived past that. For now... I just take it as it comes. But I don't think it's possible to live for very long cut off from people. I owe my life to my friends, many times over. And often, I find they're a good enough reason to keep on going.


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