Reading Outlaw Viking by Sandra Hill

Dec 11, 2011 18:11

Okay, Sandra Hill seems to be the sort of romance author I like. There's romance and humor and a bit of adventure. I like that. Her sense of humor seems to click with me, as well. I found one of her other works that featured a tall woman with a strong body (big wonder why I like it) that tried to be more of a man to get her father's troops to listen to her. So I think, "Hey. This author is pretty fun! I'm going to read others of her stuff!" So I do. I get other Sandra Hill Viking books. Well this one.... hahaha... it's interesting.

You know, I'm not big on fighting. I don't like hurting people. But wars are necessary. Fighting is necessary. You need to fight to protect what you love. This character doesn't seem to care about any of that. Meet Rain, or Thoraine Jordan. It seems she is the product of time travel. Her mother Ruby went back in time and met a man that looked exactly like her husband named Thork. She fell in love with him, made whoopie and then he died and she was sent forward in time where she had Thoraine. Rain is a doctor. She is also thirty years old. She is tall and kind of big with long blonde hair and hazel eyes. She is also a pacifist. And if you didn't know she was a pacifist she will remind you of it CONSTANTLY. And she also doesn't seem to be aware of the fact that her idiotic hippie ways are going to get her fucking killed in the 10th century. She survives through the sheer power of miracles. If it's not one thing she's bitching about "barbarian men" fighting "useless battles", it's her bitching about the customs of the time... like taking prisoners as slaves. Again, this woman is surviving through miracles, because there's nothing else that's keeping her alive except her healer skills.

And the guy? I kind of feel sorry for him when she's around, though it's not All bad. She's not aggravating enough for me to hate this so far, but she's damned irritating to the point I wish he'd just shut her up. Selik is this broody, angry guy who lost his wife and child thanks to the Saxons, who has been waging a war of revenge against the Saxons, and has generally retreated into himself rather than deal with many other people. He used to be this great big beautiful womanizer, but now he isn't for obvious reasons. So, when you toss this absolute shrew at this guy you can see why I want her to at least have a sock stuffed in her mouth a few times.

So far it's been mainly her seeing one custom after another and bitching about how wrong they are while pining for Selik. No matter the reason for fighting, she's against it flat out. Because fighting is stupid. It hurts people. Hurting people is bad regardless of what reason it is be it good or even remotely logical.

Also, I got one for 50 cents at the library called Big Bad Wolf by Linda Jones. This one I saw at the little bookstore down the street from my old highschool that I used to frequent when I lived in Austin. I wanted to get one of these silly novels for a long time, but never agreed to the price. This seemed the silliest of the few I found over at the library. In retrospect, I should have also picked up the Frog Prince one which features a man who is indeed French.
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