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Jan 01, 2005 09:25

It's finally 2005. I can't believe it. I survived the horrors of life, for more horrors to come haha.. I'm having a gutted feeling this is going to be an okay year, for me and some close friends....better than the last.
Last night for eve, Nattie Fatality and cynthia(Nat's friend) came over. I cooked a fatal vegan meal as usual. I cooked through the countdown... I didn't even realize till 20 minutes after..haha how blur of me!!! But then again, there were no firecrackers to mark the new year, to pay respect for the victims, so no one actually noticed it. Not even a single firecracker went off. Good thing. I've always thought firecrackers were a bunch of bullshite. No meaning whatsoever.
So we all chowed on tofu, mushrooms and broccoli, talked about the past, hopes for the future, what we lost and all the happening torture....we wasn't emo, just contented with each others company. This was the best NY eve for me. No bullshit, no unneccasary people, no misunderstandings,(no lost mobiles),just close friends, and things I will remember.....for a long time to come.
So there was my ending of 2004. A year full of emotional turmoil, dissapoinments and tragedy, but I also made some very good new friends, and got even closer to the ones I already have. I've let my excess baggage go. I'm looking forward for UK. I will make things work out for me. When I type down the last words for 2005 here on LJ, I will not be in this wasteland anymore...I swear.
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