I Think I Have Finally Achieved Little Old Lady Status--

Feb 10, 2014 06:20

--because I wake up every morning between 5 and 5:30, and it isn't even British Summer Time/Daylight Savings Time yet. Also, my brain knows we have a lot of stuff to make up and it wants to get started early.

For most of my life, I was a night owl but since I've come to London, I've really enjoyed getting up super-early, the way I did when my fabulous son was still a fabulous baby. Back then, we used to get up so early that we could get the shipping report on PBS...in Kansas.

Anyway, now I like listening to the traffic noise as it starts to pick up from the occasional passing car to the morning rush, and watching the sky lighten gradually from black to blue...or grey, whatever. When I'm done with my course of antibiotics*, I think I'll try going out for a pre-dawn walk-just a short one, up to Green Lanes at first. I think it will do my back a lot of good. When we first moved here, I used to get up super-early and walk a mile or so around the area. But then, life, etc.

Morning thoughts. I hope the sheer excitement of this post hasn't caused anyone to run screaming into the streets. Or if it has, that they let you off with a warning.

(A slightly altered version of this post appears on my Facebook page. Sorry about that. If I had enough to time to write something completely different everywhere, I would.)

*Infection; nothing serious since I caught it early. It seems to be that time of year; a lot of my friends are on antibiotics for one thing or another.

with sheer excitement, early-morning thoughts, run screaming into the streets

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