Yeah, The Entries Have Dwindled In Frequency

Jan 22, 2014 01:58

You probably noticed that.

Well, I never planned to spend a lot of time blogging. Now I have almost no time for anything, although if I ever get out of Deadline Hell, that could change.

Meanwhile, Old Eternal has been gone for slightly over a year, I quit smoking twenty years ago (as of 20 January), and so far, the cancer hasn't come back.

Deadline Hell is probably my biggest problem right now. I need to make some more space around myself so I can get back to work on the sushi novel (working title: See You When You Get There) and the third Konstantin novel (still titled: Reality Used To Be A Friend Of Mine).

I missed the World Fantasy Convention in Brighton but that's another story.

And speaking of stories, I had a couple out this year: "Chalk" as a chapbook (hardcopy or electronic) from This Is Horror and The Christmas Show which came out, appropriately enough on Christmas week on the website. Both are novelettes. You might like them.

I also had a story called "Caregivers" in Dangerous Women edited by Gardner Dozois and George RR Martin. Another novelette, about two sisters whose elderly mother is in a home.

Upcoming: in Ellen Datlow's Fearful Symmetries anthology, another novelette called "Will The Real Psycho In This Story Please Stand Up?"

I'll try to update here at least once a month. But I find myself defaulting to Facebook more and more often, sheerly as a matter of convenience. Don't bother telling me how evil Facebook is-I already know. It's all evil out there, all evil, all the time. I tried Google+-it was both evil and clunky. I can handle evil or clunky but not evil and clunky. Nonethless, I've left my account there and every so often, it tells me how many circles surround me. Or something.

It's 'way late here.

Once again, I hope the sheer intensity of this entry hasn't caused anyone to run screaming into the streets.

screaming into the streets or not

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