
Mar 01, 2010 22:33

I feel like doing a bit of a pretentious my-opinion-matterz! -mass movie-review as I've been riding a wonderful wave of free rentals thanks to Hastings' day-after credit deal.  Plus, the incredibly awful weather lately has forced me inside for the most part.  I was hoping March would kick this winter in the ass but on day one it effing rains, sleets, and SNOWS.  We've gone for years at a time with no snow here, and today was like the fourth time all winter.  WTF.  ANYway.  Movies.  A cookie to the first to point out the unifying factor of the first three.

Fur- Visually spectacular film loosely based on Diane Arbus's life.  For those not forced into Art History, she (played by Nichole Kidman), is known as the "photographer of freaks".  Very loosely based, I should say but it makes for a pretty interesting story.  Robert Downey Jr. plays a man with hypertrichosis (werewolf syndrome) and in wanting to take his picture, and be more than her husband's assistant, they form a weird friendship/love affair.  Also good commentary on people who are different, inside or out, during a very perfectionist time period.  I'm kind of ADD so I'm always impressed when a movie moves slowly, but still keeps me riveted.  The colors and costumes and lighting and visuals really are fantastic, it was probably my favorite part of the movie though I enjoyed it enough to watch it again.

Charlie Bartlett- Cute comedy but with some good stuff in there too.  The kid who played Chekov in Star Trek plays the lead who is kicked out of private school and into *gasp* the public system.  (This young actor is good, btw.  I've enjoyed seeing him more and more.)  He's bright and bored by it all but like any teenager just wants to be popular so becomes cool by listening to all of the other kids problems and prescribing them meds from his family's on-call shrink.  There's definitely a Ferris Bueller's Day Off vibe to it.  Fun, lots of lulz, but does take a bit of a darker, serious, sad turn.  Still, mostly fun but not one I'd buy.

Wonderboys-   I couldn't believe I'd never seen this.   If you know any tenured professors, there are parts that will probably be hilarious to you.  And I know a lot of tenured professors.  It definitely pulls off the day-(or weekend)-in-the-life feel that deadlines, weird students, weirder acquaintances, cops, weed, projects, and pregnancies can bring.   I like the idea of the one-hit-wonder writer or musician or artist.  Can they reproduce their  greatness or does first-time success doom it?  I am not a Michael Douglas fan, but he's good in it.  The soundtrack is nice too.

Be Kind, Rewind-  I love Jack Black.  I don't care what the rest of the world thinks.  He's hilarious and he can bring the sweet.  Mos Def is pretty awesome too.  I thought this would be better, more one of those "This movie is awesome and nobody's seen it but me!" things, but it kind of falls short.  There's a few funny bits, but nothing too memorable.  The community-coming-together theme is the best part.  Rental if you can't find anything else.

Millions- British film about two young brothers who come across a duffel bag full of money only days before the big Euro changeover.  The older wants to use it for business, the younger one wants to give it to the poor because he thinks it's a gift from God.  Meanwhile, the thief who stole it wants it back.  Their mother has recently passed away so their dad is just struggling to keep them all together and taken care of.  It's really sweet and funny, I loved it.

Once-  I'd heard so much about this movie.  I'd heard how amazing it was and how beautiful and real and brief.  I hated it.  I almost didn't watch the whole thing.  Here's the thing though, singing really kind of makes me uncomfortable.  I love music, but watching people construct it and sing together with just them and their instruments is so awkward!!!  I don't even really like musicals or plays for the same reason.  It just makes me very uncomfortable.  I want to put music on and listen to it, I don't want to watch the people agonize over making it so much.   Plus, long long boring scenes of dialogue, and handheld camera work.   Maybe I missed the point, there's some shoddy love story in there, but it was really not my thing.  If you like....plot, and script, and anything that makes a movie a movie, and not a pseudo-documentary on whiny musicians,  just avoid.

Repo!  The Genetic Opera--  Bizzare, gross, and pretty freaking delightful.  Remember how I said singing/musicals make me uncomfortable?  That doesn't fly if Anthony Stewart Head is cutting people up to reposes their evil corporation provided vital organs.  Once again, I respond to cool, original visuals.  Lots of gothic/victorian funstuffs.  I don't want to watch it over and over, but would probably enjoy seeing it with a group in the spirit of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" fun.


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