Roommate Date!

Nov 17, 2009 21:48

My roommate and I used to have dates on Thursday night where we'd either go out to eat or cook in and then watch Supernatural. Sadly during the months I was living at home we were separated and she was busy and fell behind on the dear Show. Thursdays now consist of her watching Bones with her boyfriend and me and another friend watching Bones and Supernatural here.

But tonight, roommate date resumed! We went to Whataburger where she bought me what is possibly my last Thick and Hearty A1 bacon cheeseburger. It was glorious. I'm not eating anything tomorrow. Then we went to Wal-Mart and bought Star Trek. This was my third time to see it and it's still awesome! J.J. needs to stick to movies and stop pumping out shitty television shows. Roommate is a huge fan of all the Treks. I gleaned what little I knew from pop culture references. I didn't even know what Romulans were and I thought Vulcans were bad. Also, when I first watch a movie I don't talk. But after a few viewings it's Mystery Science Theater 3000 time.

Along with the movie we also bought a 9 volt battery for our smoke detector. Which has been beeping at random times telling us to give it a new one. She's never stuck one on her tongue before so with much squealing and throwing of batteries and laughter she finally popped the nearly dead one on her tongue. And was not impressed.

ETA: Oh, and check it out. Jared, Jensen, and Misha have all seen/signed something I've drawn. faninohio got her Con on and does some recapping here. It's simultaneously surreal and squee worthy. I snuck into the '08 Dallas convention just to hang out and meet fellow fans. It was a BLAST, but I don't think I'll ever spend money on panels, autographs, or photos. Mostly because I want the show to be a happy fictional story I love and try not to acknowledge the people behind it too much, but partly because I don't have the balls. ;)

Also ETA: I finished "Beat the Reaper" I talked about earlier. It was really good, I recommend it if you've got a strong stomach. Seriously, I'm not really squeamish but there's one scene that's so grousome I just had to skim it. Also if you're deathly afraid of sharks (which I am and doesn't that make a whole hell of a lot of sense) you might have to skim some parts too. But usually with a good book there's one or two lines that break it down for me and stick like glue.

"People think the ocean's about life, and freedom. But beaches are the most impassable barriers in nature. People worship them like they worship outer space, or death, or anything and anyone else that says no to them and means it."

fan probably got busted for stalking, silliness, fun, supernatural, real life, movies, friends

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