First of all: Kyle Reese FTMFW!!! I really love him in the first one. How did that hottie not become a huge star? But yeah, this kid playing young-Kyle was great. Pretty and kind of soft spoken but such a total badass. (ETA: He's Chekov from Star Trek?! I didn't even recognize him.)
Second of all: The mandroid. He had my sympathies. That's a big deal for me. I don't like robots.
Third of all: How have I never seen this Moon Bloodgood chick? And how do I become a lesbian? Aparently she'll be on Burn Notice soon! Woowoo!
As for the story, it was okay. I tend to get my money's worth if there's pretty people and shit blows up. Check and check. The effects were pretty cool but plot? Eh, we don't need no stinkin plot. It kind of hopped around, but whatev. I never got bored, and that's always a plus for my viewing ADD as well. I really definitely liked that it wasn't all about John Connor. I'm not crazy about Christian Bale and I wish he'd had like, more personality in this. This was the punk kid from T2, at least have a couple of zingers or something. Why do some people like Christian Bale so much? He's the same intense!ness! every time. And he's goofy looking. I wish they'd had some cool more unknown guy. Anyway, there's more focus on the mandroid and Kyle and the peoples.
I did not expet Ahnold to show up. There wasn't much point, but again, whatev. I think it could have been a lot better but it was fun. Not nehehearly as bad as the third movie. Eeesh. I want to watch the Sarah Connor Chronicles even though I heard they got canceled. I've had several conversations with my sister where she's talking about it and usually follows up with "Why aren't you watching this show?!?!"